Cats in barn cat placements are not "safe, loved, and accounted for."  They
are outside when they have no defenses and no understanding of how to be
safe outside, like a feral cat does.

The tragedy was that they were ripped from their happy home.  That is a
terrible thing.

If people want to post things to lists, they should join said lists.

On Dec 12, 2007 11:36 AM, glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi guys,
>  I do not come over here very often, but because, I do
> miss a few, very special people here and still have my
> FeLV+ little girl, I need to receive all the
> information possible about this awful disease...I
> also, by the way, have six negative kitties, so am
> very grateful for all and any helpful information that
> makes me a better cat-lady.
> Sheila wanted you guys to at least know some good,
> that has happened for the cats down in Austin. She was
> angry, of course, being right there in Austin, dealing
> with the situation...I hope people will find it in
> their hearts to forgive her?  Those of us who 'live'
> on the 'other list' are hoping things will eventually
> mend between our two lists, for the sake of all our
> innocent, beautiful and suffering cats...
> I posted Sheila's letter to you guys, in its  complete
> form, not butchered...I don't even know how to cut and
> paste...
> Sheila Smith was hoping to get this posted directly,
> through active members on your list, but had to ask
> me.
> I really hope I do not upset anyone by relaying this
> 'good news'. I would like to think, that this list,
> like the list, I am active on, puts the welfare of
> cats/all animals first...
> I hope I am not going to be judged as a 'trouble
> maker' ? I am not. I am just another person out there
> who loves cats and who is trying to cope with this
> heartbreaking disease.
> I do have to add one last comment:
>  Isn't it wonderful, that at least this handful of
> kitties, from this tragedy, are actually safe, loved
> and being accounted for? As far as those that ended up
> at the public shelter in Austin I have not
> heard...sorry... Thank you for taking the time to read
> our posts...
> Best to everyone, Glenda
> ____________________________________________________________________________________
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