There has been a long time curse if you want to call it that, which follows
a new arrival. It seems that a short time after the arrival I would lose a
cat. Now it dosen't always happen. My neighbors must think I rescue cats,
because this fall 3 were left at my house, 2 in a box on Thanksgiving
Day. One was given to me by a lady who was told I did rescue. Well not
officially but maybe unofficially. I have kept 2 of these kitties.

Pewter was spayed Friday and she is doing great. High jumps and running
around with he companion JJ. All my cats got their booster for FELV. The vet
agreed on the 3 year protocol for distemper. My wallet is much smaller now.

Thanks Kelley for the information on the Zithromax.

On Dec 25, 2007 9:41 PM, Sherry DeHaan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sally thank you for sharing your story with us.Hugs to you...
> Sherry and my 5 beautiful fur kids
> *Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>* wrote:
> I posted this to the Angels on My Shoulder group, but I will share my
> feelings here too....
> It was one year ago that my precious Tiny went on to the
> Rainbows Bridge. Everyone deals with Grief differently. I lost four cats
> that year including Tiny. I was not expecting my Tiny to leave me so soon.
> He was a little over 5 years old. A neighbor's child brought him to me as
> a
> kitten saying her parents were going to get rid of it. She said a cat had
> kittens under their porch. I did not really believe the story but I took
> the
> tiny kitty and gave him a home. He looked to me not even old enough to be
> separated from his mom. He would later develop a habit of making biscuits
> in
> my hair. He did this all his short life. He also would sleep on my head.
> Purring loudly. I mean literally on my head or he would use it as a
> pillow.
> All his life he had an occasional cough. I worried that it was asthma or
> heart worms. I will never know. The spells were short lived and then he
> seemed fine. Summer of 2006 he had a vicious coughing spell that literally
> knocked him off his feet. He also had a cold. I took him to the vet. He
> was
> given antibiotics and got better. Several of my other cats got sick too.
> All
> with cold like symptoms. Junior his half brother, same mom she was feral,
> had been hit by a car that spring and stayed inside recuperating. He too
> got
> sick and had anemia on top of the cold.
> Long story short I wound up losing Pumpkin who was hiding symptoms from me
> and not eating. He was anemic and jaundiced when taken to the vet. Two day
> later I had to take him back and he stayed on IV for two days. Seemed
> better
> the second night there he crashed. He was a shell of himself and I had him
> PTS. I took Junior back to his vet to make sure he was ok because he had
> similar symptoms. He had a fever of 106.5 so they kept him. The vet called
> later wanted to do a feline leukemia test and it was positive. Turned out
> Tiny was positive too. Junior already had classic symptoms. Tiny was over
> his cold and never showed symptoms. I also had another positive cat who
> was
> PTS as he was also positive for FELV and FIV. He had also been sick. I
> would
> have probably done that differently had I known what I know now.
> The rest of my cats were ok and vaccinated.
> Tiny had been a little under the weather, but nothing earth shattering or
> I
> would have had him checked out. Christmas day it rained all day. Tiny
> seems
> a little distressed, but then again not anything that would indicate what
> would happen. I watched TV with him and I got up to check my emails. I
> heard
> that same violent cough as the summer before. I rushed to the living room.
> to move him. I though he would vomit. His gums were already turning blue.
> I
> gabbed the oxygen tank and it was empty. I went to get the concentrator
> which is my husbands. Checked on him we are talking less than a minute.
> His
> breathing calmed down and he was gone. I am told that it was probably a
> blood clot he threw and that he did not feel anything after the initial
> cough. I still wonder if there was something I missed in his short life
> that
> could have saved him. I buried him in the rain crying the whole time. It
> would seem his grave is probably a tad on the lot next to me.
> Junior still survives. I constantly worry about him. He currently has a
> that he can't seem to shake. Feline leukemia is a horrible disease.
> Thanks everyone for your comforting words when my Tiny Whiney left me.
> Sally
> --
> Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty,
> Little Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and
>  Spike  Please Visit my Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to
> sign up.
>  ------------------------------
> Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it
> now.<*;_ylt=Ahu06i62sR8HDtDypao8Wcj9tAcJ+>

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and  Spike
 Please Visit my Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign

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