Hey guys.  Below is a message from one of the members of the FIP support group 
I recently joined on behalf of Brumley.  I asked her again for her referral to 
the sites devoted to better diet and nutrition for cats.  I planned to join 
once things calmed down with Brumley because keeping up with the FIP group and 
the assisted feeding support group got to be too much!  
But I did want to pass this onto the new FELV members as something to consider 
for the care of your babies.  Diet is unbelievably important and there has been 
nothing short of a revolution as of late regarding what we should be feeding 
our companion animals- and in particular, felines, who are all descendants of 
the big cats in Africa and when we snuggle them and kiss their noses, etc., I 
think we tend to forget that!  I am not saying everyone has to go the raw food 
route- altho Monkee did when his anemia from Felv kicked in and he loved it!  
urgh, too little too late...but I know better now and I just want other people 
to maybe benefit from that).  So add investigating and researching the diet 
issue onto your to-do list.  And keep in mind that you don't have to commit to 
the raw diet-- if you do the research, you will find the particular premium 
canned foods that are as close as you can get to the benefits of raw.
I hope this helps!
Absolutely. The more cats we get off commercial diets the less death we'll see. 
Cats are carnivores. They eat meat ... fresh meat ... not rotted, old, diseased 
garbage, left over meat from rendering plants. And not grains. They can't even 
digest grains and vegetables. 
Here ya go.
God Bless Cats ... the most beautiful and perfect carnivores on the planet. How 
lucky we are that they like us and they're not the size of dinosaurs.
Happy Tail and Biscuits on the Back,
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