Guys, come on..the list is just getting back on track after the last round
of arguing...

On 2/29/08, Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>       Dorothy,
>     If your going to "quote" me maybe you should read my WHOLE email:
> the best place to get accurate info is from a vet who is knowledgable
> about FeLV and goes to continued education seminars, not the internet.
> I think that covers this statement:
> Have you ever heard of a library, Belinda?  Or a veterinarian?  Perhaps
> those are sources you would like to consider, although I am sure that in
> your opinion, they are not accurate either.
> By every other test I only see 2 and yes it is possible that both tests
> were false negatives.
>  Armond came to me at 4 weeks old - FeLV negative and *always* immunized.
> He was still negative at age 8 years when we moved to a new state and all of
> the animals were tested again before moving.  At age 8 1/2, we brought a
> stray in; after 6 months she got sick and we discovered she was FeLV
> positive.  Knowing that it *is* extremely contagious, our vet wanted
> Armond tested immediately.  Sure enough, he was positive also.
> Coincidence?  Every other test was a false negative?
> I  love the way people like you read something the way they want to see
> it, I said nothing like this, what I said was MY THEN VET who I did put all
> my faith in being very young and naive and thinking my vet knew everything
> told me I didn't have to worry about exposing my cats because they were all
> indoor.  Of course I know better now, but back then I had only heard the
> word FeLV a few times and had no clue what it was and apparently neither did
> my vet.  My cats were vaccinated for everything BUT FeLV because my vet told
> me they didn't need to be being indoor ONLY.  Love the way you twisted my
> words below to suit yourself.
> I see where you are trying to justify putting your own cats at risk.
> Since you can "promise" that the cat was "positive all along" you relieve
> yourself of any responsibility for intentionally putting them at risk for
> infection.  Shame on you.
> Obviously my cats were/are my responsibility and what ever happens to them
> lays with me.  And yes the virus can sequester in the bone marrow and a cat
> can test negative.  The test is very delicate and false negatives are common
> like it or not.
> I feel the same about your info, a lot of cats will die if their people
> listen to your scare tactics.
> What part of this situation do you not understand?  And, how dare you pass
> this false information on to others?  What a terrible disservice you have
> done to anyone who reads this.  I am disgusted to think that people are
> listening to you and taking your advice.
> If your going to continue to inform with false information and insist it
> is true I have no problem with that.  I think I have a lot more experience
> with FeLV and I have saved cats lives, not scared people into possibly
> ending them.
> OH and I never said what I was saying was gospel, I've always said these
> are my experiences and there are many others I know on the list and off who
> have VERY similar experiences.  And from those experiences and LONG talks
> with my vet, those are my conclusions and opinions.
> Every thing your stating your stating as fact.
> I can assure you that I will not return to this "support group" again. I
> refuse to participate in a battle of wills with someone like you.  Please do
> your homework about this before you feel the need to give any more possibly
> fatal advice.
> Funny how everyone who hears FeLV info they don't like call it a battle of
> wills, my info is as valid as yours, your experience vs mine.
> --
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
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