no, thanks to this group, i have learned that we can keep our babies far longer 
than i thought.   i have gone from being depressed the first day to overjoyed 
when i got onto this site.  since i am better, i think i have transferred my 
happiness to Annie.  she is much more relaxed now.  the vet is going to test 
both girls every 6 months.  now my course of action is reduced stress, good 
food and a safe environment.  we also tested for heartworm and both girls are 
neg for that  so we are going to start with revolution to prevent infection.  i 
live on a bluff over the Cuivre river and this year, we have had mosqu8itos you 
would not believe.  BIG ONES AND MEAN ONES.  everytime i go outside, i come in 
with at least 6 bites.  big welts and itch like crazy.  have to wear long 
sleeves and jeans. even then, then bite thru them.  dorlis
> I rescued a litter of kittens and they have been diagnosed with feline 
> leukemia.  Is this necessarily a death sentence?
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