Dear Melissa and all:

Well, I'm finally back on my computer after a solid year or more-- 
just plowing thru ENORMOUS amts of email!  I saw this note from  
Melissa about Baby Penelope (now Great Big Girl Penelope).

After my little bitty FeLV+ Sammy passed away last year after four  
months of successful, no sick-making chemotherapy everything became  
overwhelming.  I didn't look at my snailmail for four months or my  
email for over a year.  Didn't even use the computer.

I want to thank ALL of you for your messages of condolence after his  
passing.  His "little brudders" Teddy Monkeytail Humphrey of Stewart  
and Charlie Morito Humphrey of Stewart are sitting here in the den  
with me as I write to you all.  They were fortunate enough to escape  
the feline leukemia that little Sammy inherited from their wild  
mother.  They are healthy and happy and gprgeous little ones and I am  
sure they see their mother and their brother in their dreams.

Among the other wildlife in our home we have a new all-black little  
kitten (well, bigger now!) who I named Tallulah with a great big  
swishy, poofy tail who was found with her two little sibbies (all  
little black girls) by a contractor in a crawlspace in Wilmette (the  
next suburb over to mine) at three weeks and taken by the family to  
our wonderful local petshop Wilmette Pet where one of the "pet shop  
boys" there raised them.  My mom had just lost my dad's cat Scotty, a  
big poofy black boy with long, thick eyelashes like a HUMAN, to  
kidney disease and since every home needs AT LEAST one black cat  
(good luck in England) little Tallulah came home with me.  Actually  
her full name is Tallulah de la Falaise Scobie Humphrey of Stewart  
(that's our street--a play on all those silly pedigreed names--all  
our cats are rescues, little darling mutt kitties!)  We call her  
Lulu.  Tallulah refers to her goofy little sexy walk.

The wonderful upshot of pet shop boy Eric raising three tiny baby  
girl kittens is that he has taken a job with a local veterinarian and  
is now on his way to becoming a vet--starting from the ground up as a  
vet tech!  Isn't that wonderful?

And, now I must go--my sweet little girl Lilibet Squeekietoy (very  
teeny voice) is asking me to come watch her eat!

Thank you again for everything!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

"Consciousness is Causal
  and Physicality is its

On Sep 5, 2007, at 2:40 PM, Melissa Lind wrote:

> Well, since the list is quiet today, I’ll share my new kitty  
> update. I’ve decided to name her Penelope. I was watching CSI Miami  
> last night—reruns—and as I was trying to coax her out from behind  
> the piano, I was also trying to figure out her name. I heard  
> “Penelope” on the TV several times. I think it was the name of a  
> ship or something on the show. It seemed to fit this little timid  
> girl, so it’s stuck so far. We’ll see what hubby thinks of the name.
> I was thinking about asking him to name the baby so he’d be more  
> attached and connected with her. However, he may not notice her  
> since she’s been hiding out quite a bit. She’s so little, he might  
> not see her! He’ll be home tonight for sure, but since he can’t  
> speak cat, I don’t think anyone is going to tell him about the new  
> addition. We’ll see how long it takes to notice.
> Penelope seems to be fairing well with the other cats. I let her  
> hang out with them without boundaries, dividers, etc. There’s a lot  
> of hissing, but mostly it’s just the other cats hissing at each  
> other. Everyone is on edge since the new baby has thrown a wrench  
> into the pecking order. None is mean to her, so I think we’ll all  
> be getting along great in a few days—as long as my husband doesn’t  
> kick us all out! Just kidding, he’s actually very kind-hearted  
> despite how I might depict him on here!
> I’ll try to post pictures tomorrow.
> Melissa Lind
> Contract Administrator
> DEG Enterprises, Inc.
> 200 Norfolk Av.
> Norfolk, NE  68701
> Phone: 402-379-1820
> Fax: 402-379-3604

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