It sounds like he is a cat. You might consider lean chicken for a snack. That might tempt him.
On Dec 22, 2008, at 8:30 AM, wrote:

He is eating, he just doesn't seem to want his canned food.? I swear he's like my son was when he was little.? He got sick after eating a grilled cheese sandwich once and to this day he won't eat grilled cheese.? General was eating canned food and loving it when he had an attack of what we think is pancreatitis.? He has had a slow climb? back from that and I swear I think it's because that's what he was eating then.? He also will not get on the sofa that he was on when he got so sick and threw up all over the sofa and I do mean ALL OVER it.? (I didn't fuss at him for it, I was so upset because he was so lifeless when I found him)? Since then he's had nothing to do with that sofa.?

Sidney and the General

-----Original Message-----
From: catatonya <>
Sent: Mon, 22 Dec 2008 8:12 am
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] General didn't eat breakfast

Maybe try to tempt him with a treat of some sort? I don't know. You're in my thoughts. I remember when I got my first cat and didn't know anything about
them.  It takes a while.  I hope someone has more advice for you.
 tonya wrote:
Do I need to be worried? He seemed fine this morning, but he didn't eat. He's spent the day in the living room, but not curled on the heat vent like he has done in the past. When he's been feeling bad before he curls up on the
heat vent. He's not been very social today but he isn't doing that.

How do I tell if he's really in pain? Or sick? Remember I've never had a cat before. His vet thinks that he may have had a touch of pancreatitis over
the last couple of weeks. Dogs I know. Cats are a mystery.

Sidney and the General

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