Steven, I'm not sure why your vet would assume that the others will test 
positive.  It's certainly possible, but I wouldn't be quite so quick to assume. 
 There seems to be a lot of debate about just how communicable the FeLV is; 
however it's seems widely held that it doesn't really become terribly 
infectious until the positive cat becomes symptomatic.     I understand your 
devastation & confusion; my 10 yr. old buddy was just diagnosed a few weeks 
ago.  It may give you some hope to know that he has shared the house with two 
other cats for years, fighting, playing, sharing bowls etc, and the other two 
are negative.  My cat is believed to have lymphosarcoma as well.  I would tend 
to believe that the lymphoma is in fact a 'secondary disease', but there are 
others here with more knowledge who can comment on that.  I would think that 
the chronic URI could be chronic as a result of the FeLV compromising his 
immune system.       In my cats case, we are treating the symptoms as they 
arise, feeding him the best diet we can, immune boosting vitamins, etc.  There 
is a wealth of information on here about diet.  I have had the other two cats 
vaccinated & everyone is mingling.  We are not pursuing the cancer at this 
time.  We've had him for five years, assume that he had FeLV when we got him, 
and he only started acting 'off' in the last month or so.  There are many 
anecdotes here about FeLV+ cats who lived well into their middle to golden 
years, in mixed households.  You've come to the right place for info & support.
Good luck on tuesday.  Talk to the specialist & your vet extensively about 
supporting Sammy's immune system during any chemo.  Amy
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