Hey everyone,

I just wanted to keep you updated on Autumn.

Autumn's looking good.  She's drinking water like it's going out of style -
I tried to keep her hydrated while she was anorexic but she is far better at
doing that herself.

She's eating independently - for the first time in about two weeks and her
energy is significantly better.  She's watching the birds outside and
comes running to the door when I get there.

I just got the results of the CBC this morning.  Her hematocrit is 11.5
(first visit - 8, at ER - 4, after transfusion - 18, now 11.5)  The
impressive thing is that on her initial CBC she had very early, somewhat
bizarre looking, immature RBCs in her blood.  Now these cells are gone.
Felv has a tendency to arrest RBC maturation so that the bone marrow sends
out immature cells which are basically useless to the body.  The fact that
these cells are gone is very promising to me.  I am not surprised that her
hematocrit dropped since the transfusion - she was yellow for four days
suggesting that she destroyed a large number of the transfused cells.

So given the significant improvement in her energy, the loss of immature
RBCs and a hematocrit that's 11.5, I am optimistic but still cautious.

By the way, if anyone is going to try this injection, I should let you know
that in addition to the shot I did the following: prayed a lot, and fed her
A/D food with Ambrotrose mixed in (an alternative medicine supplement from
the Aloe plant that has shown in some small studies to help with the quality
of life and destruction of virus in Felv+ cats.  To the best of my knowledge
the only place making it is Mannatech corporation - easy to order with no
prescription required.)

Anyway, I really think there is promise and hope for all the Felv and FIV +
cats out there.  I plan on giving her another injection in one week and will
reorder a CBC in two weeks.  I will let you know the results when I get
them.  Good luck and God bless to you all.

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