Wow! Am I ever behind on my email! 
Doing another IFA test sounds like good advice if the PCR is so unreliable.  
I'll probably go for that with Taco. 
I'm dead set against the FIV vaccine.  Most so-called shelters will kill the 
cat before even asking questions. I have no doubt that if a cat tests positive 
for FIV, there won't even be a question in a private vet's mind whether the cat 
was vaccinated or not.  One very weak protection would be micro chipping and 
including the vaccination info there so that if the cat is scanned, the info 
that he/she was vaccinated for FIV will  show up.  It has been my experience 
that I had to ask for a scan on some of my tame rescues before the vet would 
grudgingly get out the instrument and go over the cat with it.  My own vet is 
good about scanning strays, even the frightened types who would be considered 
"feral" but a lot of vets still need to be asked.
I now have two FIV/FeLv+ cats.  Smooch needs his first IFA test after testing 
positive for both on the ELISA.  Really, I don't feel that tests in general are 
very reliable.  I usually go with the temperament of the cat.  When they are 
neutered, there is less fighting.  However, I do have a couple of belligerent 
Alpha cats who will pick a fight with anything, even a chair if they are in a 
bad mood.  I wouldn't mix an FIV+ with a group containing that type of cat.  
But most of my cats are very lay back about new comers and don't do the macho 
thing.  They just move one plate over and allow the new kid in town to eat.

--- On Mon, 10/26/09, MaryChristine <> wrote:

From: MaryChristine <>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tests
Date: Monday, October 26, 2009, 3:39 PM

the problem with PCR tests is that none, as far as i know, have proven to be
consistently valid and reliable, at least in this country. i know that
they've been trying to create a reproducible test that can be counted on,
but so far everything i've read has shown the same sorts of problems:
getting inconsistent results within the same lab on known samples, and
across labs when using samples from the same cat.

i haven't read anything recently that contradicts this; i know that for a
while UC Davis had a test for FIV that supposedly could tell the difference
between wild and vaccine-induced strains; you can't even find any mention of
said test on their website any longer. IDEXX has just put out a PCR test for
the same thing, again, with FIV, but the accuracy rates are in question with
that, too.

i'd do another IFA if it were my cat, because if i got a positive from a PCR
test, at this point in its development, i'd go and run another IFA anyway!


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