More sad news to add to the rest of the sad news out there.
Frosty Paws and I have an appointment for 4:30 tomorrow at our vet's. I think 
it is time to let him go, and I refuse to let him suffer needlessly. We all 
know how our FeLV kids can suffer at the end. So I believe I'm doing the right 
thing. We'll see what the vet says.
I've only had him for about a month and a half. He was a stray who somebody 
took in. She had him neutered and combo tested, and the test came back 
positive. Since she'd never had a FeLV + cat before, she felt a little 
overwhelmed, and since I already had 3 of them, I agreed to take him on. Frosty 
has always been quiet - the woman who rescued him said he was the most quiet 
and non-confrontational cat she'd ever met - but I wonder if what we thought of 
as simply quiet (since she didn't have him for long, she didn't truly know his 
personality, either) was actually a sign of illness. He's looked a little down 
for the past week, and this morning his breathing was really labored, and was 
still labored when I returned home from work. Charlotte's breathing was the 
same way before she got a blood transfusion, and she died a month later in 
spite of everything. He also appears to have lost some weight, even though I've 
seen him eating.
What do you all think? Is there anything else that can be done? Something we 
can try? I don't want to lose him if there's a possibility of saving him, but I 
don't want him to suffer, either. Thank you for all your concern and advice.
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