
I am so sorry.  I was really hoping the LTCI would do it.  Pet tinic and
epogen and whatever else may help with anemia is usually only a temporary
fix.  The real problem is the underlying bone marrow deficiency due to
infectivity with virus.  I have been with this group long enough to have
hopes for so many different possibilities.  Sometimes they work, sometimes
not.  I know you have too.

I have a long shot.  I requested this for Wolfie too, but want to ask you.
There is a tonic comprised of four herbs.  They are anti-inflammatory, and
for cancer.  A host of secondary positive effects have been noted with its
use including cessation of certain viral infections.  It appears to seek out
and destroy abnormal cells while leaving healthy ones behind.  It also
provides an anti-inflammatory which in many settings can be beneficial.  It
hasn't been used for felv as far as I can tell, but in theory I think it
could help.  If you are interested I can get you the name of the herbs,
where to get them and how to prepare them.  It takes time to do it and
concentrate it so it may take a week before you have the final product.  Let
me know what you think.

The herbs in graviola, neem and chaparral.  The fourth is escaping me right
now, but I can find it.

God bless and I will pray for you.

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