Dear Laura M.,
Rant all you want - it's good for your soul to vent - we all need it at
times.  I am in a lot better circumstances because I am a private rescue, no
euthanasia, but I have to deal with picking up all the discarded animals and
with those phone calls that always start with "I've got this cat...." and
you know exactly what will follow. I've had cats dumped around my house, not
noticing them until much later, eating leftover cat food that we put out for
wildlife; only one, so far, was FeLV+ - and he's the sweetest cat - but we
thought that he was feral until we got him another FeLV+ buddy.
I honestly don't know how people can be so disgusting with their own cats,
pretending that they're not theirs....I can't let any animal in distress
just lying there, even if it costs me some money. I know a very wealthy
woman whose teenage nephew lives with her.  He had a 10-yr old Siamese cat
that went to a very good vet for dental surgery - (had an abscess on two
teeth), and died.  She was ready to sue the vet, hysterical, calling the vet
etc.  It turns out, after I spoke to her, that the cat had the abscesses
since about 1/2 yr why did it take so long to get her to the vet,
why wasn't she on antibiotics pre-surgery, etc. yet, she rants and raves,
when all along it was her own fault!
It has to be extremely emotionally and physically draining on you to work at
that place - I don't know how you do it!  But thank God for people like you
- at least these poor little creatures have someone there who cares.
Do people like this "Praise Jesus" lady get information on low-cost
neuter/spaying?  Too bad we can't order them to sterilize their I wish that there was mandatory spaying/neutering.....but
there's' so much opposition to it, and from sources one wouldn't believe!
Thank you for doing what you do!

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of LauraM
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 2010 8:06 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] No way to treat a friend

OK, this doesn't have anything to do with FeLV, so I apologize.....but a few
incidents happened at the shelter today that really made me angry, and
really made me sick of the way animals are treated in our society - as
disposable property, with no feelings, no thoughts, no value. An
inconvenience, to be tossed aside when necessary.
First, a woman called and said that there was a cat lying in her carport
that must have been hit by a car. She said, "We're afraid she's going to die
there, and she can't seem to move her back legs." Stray, injured cat....I
called our animal control officer and she headed on out to pick the cat up.
Turns out, it was the woman's cat, and not a stray, she even saw the cat get
hit! - same old story, the owner doesn't want to deal with the problem,
doesn't want a vet bill, so she calls the county to handle it, forgets about
it and goes about her day. My officer told her, "This is your
responsibility, not mine - you get that cat to a vet." Later on, the caller
once again rang up animal control: "If I have a cat that's been hit by a
car, can I bring her to you?" NO, lady, what don't you understand - this is
your animal, she is your responsibility, TAKE HER TO THE VET. 
Then, later, the door opened and a  young woman came in with a cat in a
crate. He has serious health problems; he's old and has some sort of issues
with his teeth, he's in a lot of pain and needs steroid injections and some
other stuff. I remember speaking with her two months ago about the cat, gave
her some phone numbers of vets who might be willing to work with her on the
cost of treatment. Anyway, she wanted to drop him off so we could euthanize
him on Tuesday. I tried to get her to take the cat to her own vet, tried to
get her to understand that it would be inhumane and cruel to leave him in a
place with strangers, to sit in a cold metal cage, to die on a table and be
tossed in a black trash bag and thrown into the dump like garbage.
Naturally, she had no money - but if you're a good client, chances are your
vet will euthanize for free or next to nothing; my vet has never charged me
to euthanize an animal. And she had months to prepare for this, but
 she's moving in with her parents tomorrow and they're allergic, and of
course, like the other person, she didn't want to deal with it. Finally she
said to me, "I'm leaving. I don't like your attitude. Bitch." I wanted so
badly to follow her out the door, slap her face & tell her what I thought of
her, but I need my job.
I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but still, it appears that this
attitude has become more and more prevalent. Those of you who work in
shelters or who are involved with rescue know exactly what I'm talking
about. Someone will always be there to pick up the pieces and clean up after
your mistakes, so why even try to do the responsible thing? One resident
surrendered 4 kittens last week and called today to ask if they'd been
adopted. They had all gone out to a rescue. After hollering, "Praise Jesus!
They're safe!" she asked me, "So, the next time I have kittens, should I
call this rescue directly or do I have to go through you?" Aaaargh! Don't
let them be born! Come here on euthanasia day and then ask yourself if you
should be producing more kittens!
Thanks for letting me vent.
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