LOL - I can just see all the poor lizards running around without tails.

Geez, didn't know they could get parasites from moths or crickets.  Dang.  
Beth, what can they get from moths?

sent from my AT&T Smartphone by HTC

----- Reply message -----
From: "dlgegg" <>
Date: Sun, Jul 10, 2011 11:44 pm
Subject: [Felvtalk] Why do cats eat grass?
To: <>

Yes, and crickets also.  Annie killed one and this long worm thing crawled out 
of it's body.  I took it to the vet and he said it was a wire worm.  Disgusting 
looking thing, course most parisites are.  I try to feed them just before they 
go out and it seems to cut down on the desire to eat their "prey".  I don't 
know about lizards and frogs.  We chase them too.  Not a lizard on our property 
that still has a tail.

---- Beth <> wrote: 
> Be careful. They can get parasites from some bugs such as moths
> "" <> wrote:
> >My cats will eat bugs after they are done chasing and torturing them.  I 
> >assumed it was because their instinct tells them to devour their prey.  It's 
> >disgusting.  I have to turn away.
> >
> >sent from my AT&T Smartphone by HTC
> >
> >----- Reply message -----
> >From: "dlgegg" <>
> >Date: Sat, Jul 9, 2011 3:33 pm
> >Subject: [Felvtalk] Why do cats eat grass?
> >To: <>
> >
> >On the lighter side, I have seen them eat grasshppers and crickets.  That I 
> >don't see much reason for.  They get their protein from their food and it 
> >doesn't have scratchy legs to deal with.
> >
> >
> >---- Natalie <> wrote: 
> >>    
> >> 
> >> Why Do Cats Eat Grass? 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> By Kathy Blumenstock, Animal Planet
> >> 
> >> How often have you seen your cat happily chewing on blades of fresh green
> >> grass, and wondered why? You dish up the choicest cat food and offer 
> >> gourmet
> >> treats, yet given the chance, Kitty chows down on the lawn as if she's a
> >> snacking racehorse. But there's little need to fret over the appeal of the
> >> feline salad bar, even when she throws it all up.
> >> 
> >> Grazing in the Grass
> >> 
> >> The juices in grass contain folic acid, a vitamin essential to a cat's
> >> well-being. Folic acid, also present in the mother cat's milk, aids the
> >> production of oxygen in the cat's bloodstream. A folic acid deficiency may
> >> lead to anemia, and a young cat's growth can be stunted if she doesn't get
> >> enough of it. Do cats instinctively know they're deficient in folic acid 
> >> and
> >> nibble grass to right the situation? Even experts can only guess. For a cat
> >> who never goes outdoors, folic acid supplements are available, to be added
> >> to your cat's food. Your vet can advise whether your cat can benefit from
> >> these.
> >> 
> >> That Laxative Appeal
> >> 
> >> Since cats themselves can't say, experts theorize that cats eat grass as a
> >> natural laxative. It may add fiber and bulk to their diet, helping them 
> >> pass
> >> worms or fur through their intestinal tract. If broader-leafed varieties
> >> offer a laxative effect, thinner-leafed grass induces cats to vomit. But
> >> veterinarians stop short of declaring grass necessary. It may assist in
> >> clearing things out, but healthy cats are able to process and pass matter
> >> out without this help. Some experts believe cats eat grass to settle their
> >> stomachs, much as humans pop an antacid tablet. Others say cats simply like
> >> the texture and taste of grass, no matter what its properties do for their
> >> insides.
> >> 
> >> Heave-Ho
> >> 
> >> After munching away on grass, a short time later, cats inevitably upchuck
> >> those greens. Not because they're gagging on the veggie flavor. It's 
> >> because
> >> cats' systems do not have the correct enzymes to digest plant matter. By
> >> regurgitating grass, the cat also expels other indigestible items she may
> >> have eaten - which could include fur balls from grooming, or feathers and

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