Right?!! All of us are extremely better than who we have now!
----- Original Message ----- From: <dlg...@windstream.net>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Wednesday, July 27, 2011 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FDA fooling with supplements and foods

Just had an idea. Why don't we run for office!

---- Natalie <at...@optonline.net> wrote:
I bet we could build a big soap box - I have a feeling there are more like
us out there....somebody's got to protect what we eat!

-----Original Message-----
From: felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org
[mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Lorrie
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 4:38 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FDA fooling with supplements and foods

Natalie,   I hope everyone in the group appreciates this off topic
information as much as I do. I agree with you 100% on all of this.

You and I could both spend a lot of time up on our soap



On 07-26, Natalie wrote:
> Dear Reader,
> Let go of that stem and back away from the cherry.
> It's for your own good.
> You see, that cherry is officially an unapproved drug, at least > according
> the Einsteins at the FDA.
> Obviously, that makes no sense. But it lead me to ask: If cherries are
> unapproved drugs, what does that make potato chips?
> Also compliments of the geniuses at the Food and Drug Administration:
> healthy, of course!
> Fortunately, there may be a way out of this government-inflicted > insanity.

> ----------------------------------------------------------- > Over-the-counter cherries > ----------------------------------------------------------- > > Cherries contain antioxidants and other anti-inflammatory components. > The > scientific evidence behind that statement is irrefutable. But when > owners
> cherry orchards made those claims and backed them up with links to the
> evidence, the FDA ruled that the claims "cause your products to be > drugs."

> Needless to say, none of the orchard owners had submitted their > cherries
> approval as drugs, so they were not allowed to continue the claims.
> Crazy? Oh...we're just getting started.
> Last year, Dannon settled a dispute with the FDA by paying out $21 > million
> to several states where they had advertised their Activia yogurt and
> DanActive dairy drink. In those ads they said the products, "help > regulate
> your digestive system...naturally."
> That claim is based on what we know about the benefits of living > cultures
> probiotics.
> But the FDA decided that Dannon was actually claiming that "Activia
> consumers with bowel movements at fixed, uniform or normal intervals."
> Clearly, that was not the case, but the agency's absurd decision ended > up
> costing Dannon millions.
> And FDA officials were just as picky and difficult when it came to
> They told walnut distributer Diamond Foods that multiple studies > showing > heart health benefits of walnuts were not sufficient to allow such > claims
> the Diamond Foods website. Again, the FDA ruled that the health claims
> classified walnuts as drugs.
> Now...if all that seems completely bat-house crazy, brace yourself --
> seriously -- because here's what the FDA allows Frito-Lay to say about
> products...
> "You might be surprised at how much good stuff goes into your favorite
> snack. Good stuff like potatoes, which naturally contain vitamin C and
> essential minerals. Or corn, one of the world's most popular grains,
> with thiamin, vitamin B6, and phosphorous -- all necessary for healthy
> bones, teeth, nerves and muscles."
> Potatoes and corn -- two of the WORST foods you can eat, even before > the
> processing begins! But wait -- there's more...
> "Our all-natural sunflower, corn and soybean oils contain good
> polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, which help lower total and > LDL
> 'bad' cholesterol and maintain HDL 'good' cholesterol levels, which can
> support a healthy heart."
> So you CAN'T say cherries provide antioxidants that benefit health, but
> CAN clearly tell customers that corn chips help keep bones healthy and
> potato chips cooked in soybean oil "can support a healthy heart."
> That is true lunacy! In any rational world we'd be able to storm FDA
> headquarters and take them all away in straitjackets.
> As I said earlier, there may be a way out of this government-inflicted
> insanity. But to do it, we have to go through the government.
> Two members of Congress recently introduced the Free Speech about > Science > Act that will require the FDA to let food producers and supplement > makers
> state health claims when they're backed up by sound, science-based
> You can help this important effort by contacting your representatives > and
> senators through "Thomas," a Library of Congress website (
> www.thomas.loc.gov ).
> Let your Congressmen know how vital it is to change these absurd FDA
> regulations that withhold essential health information and cause > companies
> and growers to spend millions defending ridiculous charges.
> I mean, really...aren't there other "unapproved drugs" that are > currently
> putting us at greater risk than walnuts and cherries???

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