You summed us all up, and everyone here IS AWESOME. I think we are a special 
breed of human beings and are doing what we are supposed to be doing. I love 
this group too, and feel so fortunate to have found all of you. OK I'm done 
now. Thank you Kat for putting this matter in perspective(-:

Sent from my iPad that my most awesome kids surprised me with, Christmas 2010. 

On May 29, 2012, at 11:44 PM, Kat Parker <> wrote:

> I love this group.  I love the people in it.  I love the passion the members 
> of this group have for the kitties who are unfortunate enough to meet up with 
> this deadly retrovirus, and the dedication to improving infected cats' lives. 
>  Anyone who comes in here with less than the best of intentions for FeLV 
> positive kitties understandably will not be coddled and cosseted.  And even 
> the person receiving the "scolding" will understand that it is coming from a 
> place deep in the heart, borne of love and compassion, if they are honestly 
> looking at what is being said to them.  I don't believe anyone could possibly 
> be naive enough to NOT SEE where this criticism of them stems from, even if 
> they refuse to state this fact "out loud".  lol
> And, knowing this, the smart thing to do would be to stick around and get a 
> clue, because I am sure that with the desire to do right by their cat, anyone 
> would be welcome and accepted here.  In fact, this is what everyone is 
> actually hoping for, I'll bet any money.   These people in here are EXPERTS 
> at FeLV+ cats, info, treatment, everything.  This is a place you want to be 
> if you have an FeLV+ cat you care about.  Miracles of understanding and 
> knowledge happen here.  You say you treat them good and care about them/her.  
>  Awesome.  Just say you want to help the kitties...  we can help you help 
> them.
> Step up, Sir.  Do the right thing, please.
> (**And I agree...  Ben does rock!  I am in awe.  <B12.gif>)
> Love and Katnip,               
>               ~Kat~     =^,,^=
> "I'm Kat Parker.  I park cats."   
> "Spay & neuter your neighbors...  maybe THAT will fix the problem."
> "Keep your kitties INSIDE, 24/7, 'cause an inside cat is a SAFE & HAPPY cat!"
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