Hi Lorrie -

Can you tell me more about those ceramic reptile bulbs/heaters and where to
get them? Could i use them for my two rescue dogs? They are in an outside
kennel with a dog door into a 10 x 10 kennel in the garage but Ohio winters
can get cold so I would like to heat one of their inside dog houses if I
could. Heating whole garage isn't an option.



dot winkler <venus7ora...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi Lorrie - I received your check in the mail.  Thank you, thank you so
much and to everyone who helped out.  Tiger was taken to the vet.  He was
given to my sis in law but her ceiling caved in with the storm and shingles
blown off her roof so she gave him back to me temporarily.  He has a cold,
(he is fev pos) and is having a hard time throwing it off.  I have a
eucalyptus mister in my room that I run twice a day for him.  He is on anti
b for the stomatitis which his mouth is much, much better.  he is gaining
weight and i give him Lysine 500/day.  So Tiger is a success story, and I
hope his cold clears up soon.  Goldie has not yet been captured.  He is
still not well.
Any tips on the cold?  He is congested, but not in the eyes.  Only in the
nose and sinuses.
It was thoughtful again Lorrie to receive your check.  The card was cute.
 The Farmingdale colony are doing okay and weathered the storm safely.
 Thanks, Dot

*From:* Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com>
*To:* felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
*Sent:* Monday, October 29, 2012 6:40 AM
*Subject:* Re: [Felvtalk] STORM

Sounds like you have a super good husband. Mine is too. He built me
feral shelters for one of my feral colonies, and since we have so many
cats at home he built me heated, thermostatically controlled sleeping
boxes in our garage for the 3 outside cats.  They have a cat flap into
the garage, and they go into one of the three heated boxes thru a cat
flap too.  THey have a large window to look out of and a warm blanket
inside their box as well as the heat.  I use those ceramic reptile
heaters that give out heat but no light. They screw in like a light bulb
and give out heat but not light. They seem to last forever as I've used
them 8 or 10 years now. They are expensive - about $20. each but are
worth it and they won't break or shatter like a light bulb would, tho
a light bulb can be used if you don't have the ceramic heater.

I think your cats will be okay with what you've prepared for them.
Please let us know how they are when the storm passes.

BTW, I mailed your check Saturday so you should get it early this
week, if mail is delivered.


On 10-28, dot winkler wrote:
>    I am in Freehold, NJ. Inland  So, you are in New York?  Or is that near
>    Long Island?
>    Do you have any outdoor colonies?  My hub over the last year has built
>    small dog house type shelters (he is a carpenter) with tarping on the
>    rooves.  They are surrounded by tee pee pallets piled on each other.
>    Then covered in tarping or plastic stapled on with his staple gun.
>    There are piles of furniture dumped in the area and some of the houses
>    are within those, protected. There are 2 dry feed stations we just
>    filled tonight.  I just still am very worried.  Hoping they will be
>    okay.  What experiences have you had with storms and the cats?

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