Dear Catherine,
I'm flooded with tears after reading your story with Meowko, what a lucky cat 
she was to have you and your hubby in her life. She brought you and your 
husband together, and has inspired, I think, all of us in this group to keep 
loving our babies and fight with and for them to overcome this terrible disease.
I wish you all the best, someday we will all meet again on the other side of 
the rainbow bridge.
Lots of love,
Michele (from Ecuador) <3

Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 07:35:03 -0400
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Meowko passed, and interferon alpha 2b available

Dear Catherine,I'm so sorry for your loss, I know how difficult and 
heartbreaking such a loss is,

Sent from my iPhone.
On May 28, 2013, at 7:21, Margo <> wrote:

Dear Catherine, 


                       I'm so sorry. I know that there are no words that will 
bring any relief, but I wish I could help. Meowko will never be gone as long as 
she remains in your heart, and I see that you will never lack for happy 
memories. That she passed easily is a blessing. She chose you as her family and 
you gave her a wonderful life. There is no greater gift.


She has just gone on ahead. Not far, and you may still sense her sometimes.


I wish you peace, Meowko has found hers.



Lend Me a Kitten
I will lend to you a kitten, God said.
For you to love her while she lives, and mourn her when she's dead.
Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three.
But will you, 'till I call her back, take care of her for me? 


She'll bring her charms to gladden you and, should her stay be brief
You'll always have your memories, as solace for your grief.
I cannot promise she will stay, since all from earth return.
But there are lessons taught below I want this girl to learn.


We've looked the whole world over in search of teachers true.
And from the folk that crowds life's land, she has chosen you.
Now will you give her all your love, nor think the labor vain?
Nor hate me when I come to take my kitten home again?


I fancied that I heard them say 'Dear Lord Thy Will Be Done'
For all the joys this FurChild brings, the risk of grief we'll run.
We'll shelter him with tenderness, we'll love him while we may.
And for the happiness we've known, forever grateful stay. 


But should you call her back much sooner than we planned,
We'll brave the bitter grief that comes, and try to understand.
If, by our love we've managed your wishes to achieve,
In memory of  the one we loved, please help us while we grieve.

And when our cherished kitten departs this world of strife,
Please send yet another needing soul for us to love, for life. 


Author Unknown 



My thoughts are with you.





-----Original Message----- 
From: "I-Chun C. C. Chang " 
Sent: May 27, 2013 10:43 PM 
Subject: [Felvtalk] Meowko passed, and interferon alpha 2b available 

Dear friends,

Thank you very much for the great support over the last several weeks. Meowko 
is now an angel. She crossed the rainbow bridge on May 26th, around 8:45pm US 
eastern daylight saving time. Her passing was peaceful, but for whole my 
family, our life would never be the same without her.

I can't stop thinking about the day I first met Meowko back in Taipei city, 
Taiwan. It was not me who adopted Mewoko; it was Meowko who adopted me. That 
was also a beautiful May day. She jumped into my window during dinnertime 
demanding the fish entree in my bento. From that day, she came every night, 
until one day she decided to stay and never left again. I didn't know anything 
of cats back to that time. I was actually very afraid of cats when I was little 
as in many Asian legends cats are evil. So I turned to one of my friend's 
friend who I knew he took care of street cats for years, asking tips about how 
to be a cat parent. This friend became my boyfriend, later my husband.

Meowko traveled with us all the time, from Taiwan to the US 7yrs ago, and from 
Minnesota to Connecticut last year, not to mention those shorter trips/research 
trips over these years. She was good at taking airplanes, riding for week-long 
road trip, and had always been calm in front of anything. She was the perfect 
cat a geographer can ever dream for, and I always believe herself was a cat 
geographer as well. We have always been saying that she probably taught 
geography in feline schools when her humans were in sleep.

We are going to arrange a witness of Meowko's cremation on Wednesday. She will 
always in our hearts...She is survived by her two humans and her 7 yrs old 
littermate, Jaja, who also jumped into our window several years later.

Although Meowko had been sick over these years as she was getting old, she had 
a very good quality of life until the day before yesterday. She was deeply 
loved by many people who knew her, from many places around the world. I hope I 
could have had a little more time with her... I have already missed her so 

Along with some ckd medical supplies, Meowko left about 20 days' supply of 
interferon alpha 2b oral liquid 100 IU/ml strength available (expiration date, 
June 20th, 2013). If anyone needs it, we are in eastern Connecticut, you’re 
welcome to pick it up or we can drop off in reasonable traveling distance.  Or 
I can mail it to you, the only thing I ask would be that you pay for the 
shipping as it requires cool pack overnight shipping.)

Please give your babies extra hugs for us. All the furry friends on this 
listserv are strong fighters as Meowko. I am sorry to report back today that 
Meowko didn't win her battle, but it doesn't mean others can't win. With the 
knowledge and support from members on this listserv, there is still have a very 
good chance. Please try as much as you can, and please never give up hope. It 
is the most important lesson I learned from Meowko and from the members here.

Thank you all very much again. (And particularily, Margo, your words for us had 
encouraged us to go through the tough times...)

with my best,
Catherine and our little sweet angel, Meowko

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