After the long discussion that I just got on testing, I am really confused and 
concerned.  I have a group of 6---one senior and the others a year old.  It was 
suspected that they were exposed to a cat with feline leukemia so I had them 
tested.  All but the one year old female tested positive on the Elsa---I 
believe it was that---did not really ask but it was a test done in the vet 
office in about 15 0r 20 minutes.  I moved them all indoors and got heaters and 
airconditioning for my garage (where they live), treated them aggressively, fed 
them more and better, and tried to reduce their stress as much as possible with 
climbers toys attention and love.   One did not make it after a month, but he 
was the sickest and kept separate from the start in the garage-----the negative 
female has been kept in the garage, but separate as well.  Anyway 3 months 
later the remaining 5 all tested negative on the same test by same vet.  We 
were feeling very happy and
 hopeful.  We plan to have them retested this week (about 2 months since the 
last test) and were hoping and praying that we once again get a negative test. 
We were thinking that if they were negative a second time, that we would be 
free and clear of this horrible illness and not have to worry about them and 
did not have to worry about keeping them all separate from each other and our 
other inside cats.  But after reading this recent discussion I worry that 
another negative snap test won't mean anything.  Should I have the Elsa test 
done instead or also---if I can come up with the money?  Should I have another 
vet and lab do it?  Do I have to worry about them for the rest of their lives 
that this will pop its ugly head up again in years to come as carriers or what? 
 Thanks, Karen
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