My FeLV+ Pixel is currently on 5 mg prednisolone tablets. The dosing 
was 1 tablet twice a day for 1 week, 1 tablet once a day for one week, then 1 
tablet EOD until gone. There were 30 tablets (we're on week 2). It might not be 
really iportant with such short term use, but I've always had any pred 
prescribed with a tapering dosage, to "wean" them off without a sudden stop.

From this VINpartner article;

"Prednisone and prednisolone are commonly used for several weeks or even months 
at a time to get a chronic process under control. It is important that the dose 
be tapered to an every other day schedule once the condition is controlled. The 
reason for this is that body perceives these hormones and does not produce any 
of its own. In time, the adrenal glands will atrophy so that when the 
medication is discontinued, the patient will be unable to respond to any 
stressful situation. A circulatory crisis can result. By using the medication 
every other day, this allows the body's own adrenal glands to remain active."



-----Original Message-----
>Sent: Nov 6, 2013 3:38 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] dermatitis, steroids, and FeLV+ cats
>Yes, it was two tablets a day as I remember. She wasn't on then 
>long....maybe two weeks. But it all cleared up beautifully. She had 
>allergy issues so bad there were times when she was just raw all over. I 
>am pretty sure it was prednisone or other steroid meds. My vet is in 
>southern Illinois if that helps.
>On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 10:52 AM, Lance wrote:
>> Hi Carolyn,
>> Was the pred given in tablet form? I haven’t had to use any steroids 
>> on any animal so far.
>> Thanks,
>> Lance
>> On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:47 AM, wrote:
>>> Lance, My Bell had the same condition. She was an older cat and not 
>>> FELV+. I tried the steroid shots several times. It would clear up for 
>>> a few weeks after and then back again. I finally found vet who knew 
>>> how to treat her with prednisone -- a fairly strong dose, for over 2 
>>> weeks. It cleared up and never came back. It isn't fleas. Carolyn
>>> On Tue, Nov 5, 2013 at 7:34 PM, Lance wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> My Ember has had dermatitis for about two months now. A month ago, 
>>>> the vet gave her a Convenia shot, and that didn’t seem to change 
>>>> things much. I gave her 2mg of chlor trimeton twice a day for five 
>>>> days, and that hasn’t changed anything substantially. She has 
>>>> lesions on her neck and shoulders, and there also must be some near 
>>>> her backside, as she’s licked some hair off her legs, lower tail, 
>>>> and stomach.
>>>> I should note that I’m 99.9% certain this has nothing to do with 
>>>> fleas. Ember has no exposure to other animals or the outside (she’s 
>>>> isolated in a set of rooms on the second floor of this house), I 
>>>> have seen no fleas on her, and I haven’t had any jump on me. The vet 
>>>> found none on her when she went in a month ago.
>>>> I spoke to the vet today, and she mentioned that they usually give 
>>>> cats with this type of dermatitis a steroid injection, but that she 
>>>> worries about doing that to Ember, given her FeLV+ status. The vet 
>>>> did say that, rather than an injection, we could try tablets. That 
>>>> would at least allow us to control how much exposure Ember gets. 
>>>> Right now, this doesn’t seem to be life-threatening. I’m wondering 
>>>> what others have done in this situation.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Lance
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