Hi Tina -

SWeat Scoop also harden to a cement-like texture that is horribly difficult to 
get out . I had to take a hammer to it.
You might want to try Feline Pine. Some cats don't like the texture, but it 
doesn't have the dust. Also World's Best (corn based) or the new Blue Buffalo 
(Walnut Based). My cats & I like the BB best. 
I also if your litter box is covered, but that can cause asthmatic problems.


Don't Litter, Fix Your Critter! www.Furkids.org

 From: Tina Smith <mit...@gmail.com>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
Sent: Sunday, November 10, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Best litter for FeLV?

Hi all,

I have an FeLV+ kitty.  He has been mostly healthy but is currently going 
through something that is causing a lot of coughing.  We have noticed that he 
seems sensitive to the drier air of winter and perhaps has some environmental 
allergies.  In addition to other things we are doing I am trying to find a 
dust-free cat litter for him.  Last night I spent a small fortune on 
SWheatScoop litter and was appalled to see all of the dust that went flying 
when we put it in his litter pan.  So much for dust-free.  Has anyone here had 
luck finding a litter that is good to use for our FeLV+ sweeties?

I'll also tell you a little more about what he's going through in case anybody 
has some insight into what might be causing it.  The vet wasn't helpful.  Just 
gave him a Convenia antibiotic injection but couldn't say what the problem 
might be except possibly pleural effusion.  Darwin is coughing a lot - a little 
like the "hairball cough" but not exactly.  He seems to be breathing mostly 
okay through his nose, although I have noticed occasionally that there does 
seem to be a little congestion.  There has been no open-mouth breathing.  He 
had a bout of diarrhea for a couple of days this past week but seemed to get 
over that.  Now I think he might actually be constipated.  When he coughs 
nothing comes out but he does swallow as if he has coughed a little something 
up and then swallows it. I have almost wondered if he might have an obstruction 
but it does seem to be affecting his breathing some.  I haven't been able to 
pinpoint any triggers.  He has
 coughed after drinking water, he has coughed when the heat was on, he has 
coughed right after using the litter box.  But he has also coughed when he's 
just resting on the bed and nothing is going on.

Any insight would be so welcome.

Thank you,
Tina Smith

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