try going to got in with them when my Annie 
was diagnosed with FELV and I was diagnonsed with Perpherial T-cell Lyphoma.  I 
was supposed to die in 3 months and after 4 chemos that did not work, I am 
still here, in remission over 10 years.Pat and the others have been especially 
helpful and supportive.

---- KATHLEEN BUSO <> wrote: 
> Thanks for the replies. I wanted to add that Oreo has been on on an 
> antibiotics for 10 days now - Aventiclav and Clavaseptin - as well as eye 
> ointment Tetracycline. He has been taking Metacam intermittently to bring 
> down his fever, and he always perks up when he has the metacam. I've been 
> putting Lysine in his food, because I was told it would help if his upper 
> respiratory infection is due to herpes. I've been feeding him high calorie 
> canned cat food, and he had been eating fairly well until the last few days. 
> He is eating today, but I have to coax him. He is using the litter box 
> regularly and normally, doesn't have diarrhea and hasn't vomited at all. His 
> main symptoms are that he is quite lethargic, has a fever and his eyes look 
> really bad. He can barely see out of them due to the inner third eyelid being 
> so pronounced. He is also wheezy at times. He has been sick for almost 2 
> weeks now, with no sign of improving. 
> I am hoping we can nurse him through this and then deal with the feline 
> leukemia diagnosis after that, so any other suggestions on how to help him 
> recover from the URI would be great. I will ask the vet about using 
> Tobramycin and Terramycin. Amani, thanks for letting me know your experience 
> with LCTI. I'm sorry to hear it didn't work for you but that's great that you 
> had success with the steroid. I'll ask my vet about that too. 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 12:09:33 PM 
> Subject: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 15, Issue 4 
> Send Felvtalk mailing list submissions to 
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> Today's Topics: 
> 1. 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia (KATHLEEN BUSO) 
> 2. Re: 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia (Amani Oakley) 
> 3. Re: 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> ( 
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
> Message: 1 
> Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 08:13:29 -0600 (MDT) 
> To: 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> Message-ID: <> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" 
> Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. We adopted him at 9 weeks 
> from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill when she had her 
> kittens. The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a rough start in 
> life, but then seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two weeks ago, 
> our Oreo started to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid came out, 
> and then he started running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, and she 
> gave me antibiotics and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said the 
> mom had been tested for a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and 
> came back negative, so there was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was 
> worse so I took him to another vet and she tested him and told me he tested 
> positive for feline leukemia. Up until yesterday, he seemed to still have a 
> fairly good appetite but was sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper 
> respiratory infection. Today he is uninterested in food and seems much worse. 
> I was wo
> ering if anyone had any suggestions that would help, or should I just accept 
> that there's nothing that can be done? We were considering trying the LCTI 
> drug but we live in Canada so we would have to travel into the States to get 
> it. It would be about a 3.5 hour drive there and would be hard on Oreo, as he 
> hates the car. Has anyone used LCTI and had any success with it? Is there 
> anything else I can do for Oreo now, to help him feel better, like steroids? 
> Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Kathleen 
> -------------- next part -------------- 
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> ------------------------------ 
> Message: 2 
> Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 16:00:32 +0000 
> From: Amani Oakley <> 
> To: "" <> 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> Message-ID: 
> <E0C1DFB06E10174B9D4AE353A62CECE3365301A2@OAKLEYSRV.oakley.local> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" 
> I have used the LCTI drug and had it shipped from the U.S. to Canada, to my 
> vets. I had absolutely no success with it. We carefully monitored our little 
> boy?s blood work for 4 to 6 months and there was no change in things like his 
> haemoglobin levels and retic counts. Try Stanazalol (Winstrol) instead. It is 
> an anabolic steroid and as I explained in my earlier posts, we had immediate 
> and stunning results with it. It also helps improve appetite and general 
> well-being while improving red cell production. 
> Amani 
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: June-28-15 10:13 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. We adopted him at 9 weeks 
> from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill when she had her 
> kittens. The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a rough start in 
> life, but then seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two weeks ago, 
> our Oreo started to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid came out, 
> and then he started running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, and she 
> gave me antibiotics and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said the 
> mom had been tested for a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and 
> came back negative, so there was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was 
> worse so I took him to another vet and she tested him and told me he tested 
> positive for feline leukemia. Up until yesterday, he seemed to still have a 
> fairly good appetite but was sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper 
> respiratory infection. Today he is uninterested in food and seems much worse. 
> I was wo
> ering if anyone had any suggestions that would help, or should I just accept 
> that there's nothing that can be done? We were considering trying the LCTI 
> drug but we live in Canada so we would have to travel into the States to get 
> it. It would be about a 3.5 hour drive there and would be hard on Oreo, as he 
> hates the car. Has anyone used LCTI and had any success with it? Is there 
> anything else I can do for Oreo now, to help him feel better, like steroids? 
> Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Kathleen 
> -------------- next part -------------- 
> An HTML attachment was scrubbed... 
> URL: 
> <>
> ------------------------------ 
> Message: 3 
> Date: Sun, 28 Jun 2015 12:09:30 -0400 
> From: <> 
> To: <> 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> Message-ID: <35A0CF07E5B5493FBF6FD0A5B3140A71@SandyPC> 
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" 
> First of all Kathleen Oreo needs to be seriously treated for URI ? Tobramycin 
> and Terramycin ? drops of Tobramycin followed with Terramycin to help keep in 
> the drops for eye issues. Oreo needs to be on an antibiotic to help combat 
> the secondary infections. You may need to syringe feed Oreo ? a gruel of 
> canned ? and KMR a milk replacer. I prefer Breeders Edge from Revival, a 
> great feline milk replacer - they ship quickly. IF Oreo becomes dehydrated 
> subq fluids will need to be given - 
> The thing is being aggressive in treatment and keeping Oreo hydrated and 
> nourished. 
> As for Oreo being tested at this young age ? well it?s not necessarily 
> accurate. Should be retested no sooner than 30 days from the first test. 
> sites for info are - LTCI is 
> a product from T-CYTE Therapeutics ? another site 
> Koret Shelter Medicine Program 
> is where this info came from ? web site from the UK 
> If your vet suggests testing a young kitten for FIV with the in-house test ? 
> BEWARE! This is the same for FeLV 
> Testing a kitten for FIV with the in-house test is a complete waste of time 
> and money ? the reason is that the test looks for FIV antibodies which are 
> produced by the body in response to the virus ? this is fine in adult cats, 
> but not for kittens, because a kitten born from an FIV mother will inherit 
> the antibodies from its mother but rarely the virus ? so although it would 
> test positive for FIV, it would likely not actually have the virus. The 
> kitten will, over several months, lose its mother?s antibodies, and would 
> then test negative for FIV. If it is important to know whether a kitten is 
> actually FIV or not, there is a different test known as a PCR which looks for 
> the DNA of the virus itself. This test is not widely available (Langford Lab, 
> Bristol is one that does it). 
> FeLV 
> Feline Leukemia Virus 
> FeLV is one of the fairly common cat viruses, that is much misunderstood.... 
> FeLV (Feline Leukemia Virus) 
> The virus is particularly devastating to very young cats who rarely live 
> beyond the age of two when infected. Older cats who pick up the virus can 
> live for years, like several at Catwork. 
> How is FeLV caught? 
> The virus is present in saliva and spread by close prolonged contact such as 
> mutual grooming or shared food bowls. Biting will obviously also spread the 
> virus. 
> Symptoms ? The symptoms can be many and varied (some of them similar to FIV) 
> There can be a progressive deterioration in condition over time. Clinical 
> signs can include fever, lethargy, poor appetite and weight loss. 
> Respiratory, skin and intestinal problems are sometimes signs of the disease. 
> Cancer tumours develop in some cats. 
> What to do if your cat tests positive for FeLV. 
> It is important to test a second time, at a laboratory, at an interval of 12 
> weeks from the first test. 
> This is because, when a cat encounters the virus, it can become temporarily 
> infected, and the cat?s immune system gets to work ?dealing? with it. In most 
> cases, the cat?s immune system will win and the virus will be beaten. 
> However, during this period the cat will test positive for the virus. After 
> about 12 weeks, through the more complex test at a laboratory, it will 
> usually be clear if the cat has successfully shaken off the virus. 
> Alternatively, the virus may have taken a hold and that cat will then be 
> persistently infected. 
> Sent: Sunday, June 28, 2015 10:13 AM 
> To: 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] 4 month old kitten with Feline Leukemia 
> Hi, I am looking for advice about our little Oreo. We adopted him at 9 weeks 
> from a rescue group. His mom was a stray who was ill when she had her 
> kittens. The kittens were eventually bottle fed and had a rough start in 
> life, but then seemed to recover and were adopted out. About two weeks ago, 
> our Oreo started to show signs of illness. His inner third eyelid came out, 
> and then he started running a fever. I took him to the Rescue's vet, and she 
> gave me antibiotics and some metacam to bring down the fever. She said the 
> mom had been tested for a bunch of viruses, including feline leukemia and 
> came back negative, so there was no reason to test Oreo. A week later, he was 
> worse so I took him to another vet and she tested him and told me he tested 
> positive for feline leukemia. Up until yesterday, he seemed to still have a 
> fairly good appetite but was sleeping a lot and showing symptoms of upper 
> respiratory infection. Today he is uninterested in food and seems much worse. 
> I was wo
> ering if anyone had any suggestions that would help, or should I just accept 
> that there's nothing that can be done? We were considering trying the LCTI 
> drug but we live in Canada so we would have to travel into the States to get 
> it. It would be about a 3.5 hour drive there and would be hard on Oreo, as he 
> hates the car. Has anyone used LCTI and had any success with it? Is there 
> anything else I can do for Oreo now, to help him feel better, like steroids? 
> Any suggestions or advice would be very much appreciated. 
> Thanks, 
> Kathleen 
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