I do think kittens are a different story.  Their immune system is not fully 
developed yet.
For that reason I think I would keep them separate until at least 6 or 8 
months.  If for other reason than they would drive older cats crazy with all 
their energy.  I know when I first got Harley and Dee at 3 months, Annie and 
Homey avoided them as much as possible.  Harley is the only one who goes 
outside every day (unless it is snowing or raining like it has been here for 
the last 3 - 4 weeks)  I am up on a bluff so I don't have to worry about 
flooding, but I don't want to let them get wet and maybe get a cold.  Harley 
patrols his territory around the house and does go across our dirt road about 
100 yards and comes back to lie on the deck and take a nape.  Got to have 
vitamin D.  Dee goes on the deck or if I am outside, she will trail along with 
me, and then back to the deck for a nap.  Annie will go on the deck and snooze. 
 Homey is the one that surprises me.  She was feral and up until 1 year ago, 
would go out every day.  Now she won't go past the door.  She acts like she
  wants out, runs to the door and then puts on the brakes.  The only reason I 
can think of is Clyde, our neighborhood mountain lion showed up about a year 
ago and she can smell him and her feral background says stay inside where it is 
safe.  But then, he has never come closer than a distance from my house to 2 
electric poles away.  He is on a deer crossing.  First saw him when I went out 
for the mail and I thought he was a golden retriever so said hi to him.  Then 
his tail was down, not up and when he turned he gave me a one sided snarl 
telling me I was a stupid old lady, sat down for a minute and then mosied on 
across the road.  We have run into each other on walks in the woods since then 
but he usually just looks at me and goes on his way.  Plus, he does not scare 
Harley.  Also, I am in the middle of the woods and there are lots of critters 
out there for him to dine on.  So for all the above, I don't get any shots 
anymore.  The trauma of crating them and listening to their 
 NoooooooooS all the way (20 miles) and sulking on the way home is a bit much 
for them and me. This has been 4 years now and everyone is healthy and happy.
I could see if you were in a city where they could contact many other cats and 
dogs that shots may be necessary unless they stayed in all the time.  Even 
then, vets say get shots every year.  I think in many cases it is an easy money 
maker.  They are getting like human doctors.  By the way, flea and tick control 
is as easy as a few catnip plants.  Have to watch them as they do spread, but 
for 4 years now, I noticed that my cats never have fleas or ticks.  Then one 
day found out anything in the mint family is a repellent for bugs. So that is 
one more expense and exposure to toxins that I can avoid.

---- Lorrie <felineres...@frontier.com> wrote: 
> I have wondered exactly the same thing. I've had two FelV+ cats with
> my other 8 neg. cats for over 5 years. They neg. cats were vaccinated
> only once, and none have ever gotten sick.  Of the 2 FelV + cats,
> one lived to the age of 7 and suddenly died with no prior illness.
> The other 7 year old cat (her sister) is still fine.  One of my vets
> told me it was very difficult for a grown cat to get FelV, but a
> kitten born with it from a positive mother almost always dies. 
> I had a litter of 4 pos. kittens and all of them died during the
> first year of their lives. It was terribly heart breaking. 
> Lorrie 
> On 07-01, dlg...@windstream.net wrote:
> > I am beginning to wonder if FELV is as contagious and the vets
> > claim.  My cats are all ferals, dump cats and I have had 2 who were
> > declared FELV positive.  One did pass in 2 years of something else. 
> > Annie has been with me over 4 years now and at first, I vacinnated
> > all the others .  2 years ago, I stopped that and everyone is
> > healthy, bright eyed and happy.  I am convinced that Annie really
> > is not positive, just a tremendeous amount of stress that happened
> > just before I got her.  She has never shown any signs or symptoms
> > of any disease.  The rest of the cats are healthy.
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