Good for you Ardy. Please update us on what your vets say.
On 10-23, Ardy Robertson wrote:
>    I called both of my vet offices today. One was too busy to talk but
>    they said they would call me back tomorrow morning. The other one
>    talked to me and I was quite firm (proud of myself) telling him I would
>    like the 4 vets in the office to either speak with me in a group, or
>    talk amongst themselves and then I would come in and talk about my
>    Tigger's future treatment. I talked about Winstrol to him, and he
>    promised to check with the veterinary specialists and see what they
>    have to say about it. I told him I wanted to know about Tigger's
>    bloodwork (he has had blood tests, but no one has given me any results
>    so I am really in the dark). I told him I want to be pro-active and not
>    lose valuable time to treat things that pop up. He made a lot of
>    promises to me, and I sincerely hope he follows through. I tried to
>    impress upon him how important our little furball is to us, and that he
>    deserves to have everything possible done for him. I told him I am
>    willing to do the supportive care longterm or whatever is necessary,
>    but did not want to do the unnecessary things. My goal is to change
>    their minds about instantly writing off kitties who happen to be
>    unfortunate enough to have this virus. I am so happy I found your group
>    because I see that everyone who has posted seems to be of the same
>    opinion.
>    Ardy Robertson
>    Osseo, WI

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