Yes you have helped a ton!   Thank you.  I think question # 4 is should she be 
tested for hemobart even though she is not infested?  I did put the Advantage 
II on a couple days ago.   Oh and one more question-  she has an appt on the 
14th to be spayed. Should I cancell this?  Also will ask vet on Saturday.  Her 
lymph nodes are swollen. 

Thank you!  Nancy

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 30, 2015, at 8:07 PM, Amani Oakley <> wrote:
> Hi Nancy
> I will answer the questions I can.
> 1.      You can use Epogen or Darbeopoetin to increase red cell production 
> but I have no direct experience with either. However, first, I think that the 
> Winstrol acts on the precursor cells in the bone marrow that produce red 
> cells, white cells and platelets, and that is why all these cell lines 
> respond to the Winstrol – not just red cell production. Secondly, if the FeLV 
> has had its effect on the bone marrow, making it hypocellular. It is 
> theorized that the virus blocks the stem cells in the bone marrow and they 
> therefore cannot differentiate into the various cell components of blood 
> (white cells, red cells, platelets). If that has happened, then no amount of 
> erythropoietin-type derivatives will help since erythropoietin is produced in 
> the renal adrenal glands and the erythropoietin tells the bone marrow to 
> produce red cells but the bone marrow cannot because it has been left 
> depleted of the precursor cells that make the red cells. The problem with 
> erythropoietin mimics is also that the body stops producing its own 
> erythropoietin if it detects enough circulating in the system, so you may end 
> up causing a worse situation by actually depressing natural erythropoietin 
> production. You don’t get any of those problems with the WInstrol.
> 2.      No – Winstrol doesn’t cause the body to respond by producing 
> antibodies against the medication.
> 3.      Yes – the 1 mg tablets, 2 times a day, are for cats of all weights. 
> If it is a very small kitten, you could try 0.5 mg 2 times a day though I 
> never found it necessary to use such a low dose. If the cat is in really bad 
> shape and you need to “jump start” the process quickly (eg – severe anemia, 
> significantly reduced appetite, difficulty breathing because of the anemia), 
> I would start with 2 mg 2 times a day until you start getting a response, 
> either with improved appetite or lab results show an increase in red cell or 
> other cell line counts.
> 4.      I am not sure if there is a question here.
> 5.      I don’t think Winstrol causes itching – not in my experience in any 
> event.
> 6.      Definitely, if she has worms, they are a drain on her system and 
> certain worms drop red cell counts but I don’t think round worms do that (but 
> I haven’t checked into that recently).
> 7.      A slight temperature is okay for a while but it is the rest of the 
> stuff that comes with the temperature, like loss of appetite and lethargy, 
> which you have to watch for.
> I hope some of this helps.
> Amani
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
> Sent: November-30-15 7:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Kit
> Lance, a friend told me about this test.  Hardy RL. She told me to have the 
> vet take it as it will tell what stage she is in.  Takes about 10 days to get 
> results.  Maybe it goes by another name?  Ironically, the vet took it on her 
> own.  I never had to ask for it.  I have messaged my friend to find out more. 
> Also, Lance, I wanted to let you know that I am the founder and Admin of 
> FELINE CHRONIC KIDNEY DISEASE  (all caps) on Facebook.  I have almost 1, 670 
> members.  I can certainly help out here with those whose cats have this 
> problem too.  
> I have many questions.  Hope you don't mind, as I am in learning stages. So 
> here I go:
> 1)  I see Winstrol listed as the primary treatment for anemia.  Can you also 
> use Epogen or Darbeopoetin?  
> 2)   Can one develop antibodies with Winstrol?  I have heard of this med,  
> but don't know much about it  
> 3)  Also, I see you recommend 1 mg tablets.  Is this for cats of all weights?
> 4)  Kit has fleas.  I put Advantage II for kittens on her yesterday.She seems 
> to be itching a bit more.  Unless it's my paranoid self.  I have heard alot 
> about the Hemobart test, but I don't think she is infested.  Will have a good 
> look though.  
> 5)  Could FeLV cause itching?
> 6)  She also has round worms, which I gave her a dewormer 2 days ago.  Could 
> this bring blood work down?
> 7) Her temp is holding around 101.2  ~  102.2.  This is ok?  She is no longer 
> on Onsior.
> I am doing alot of reading now and hope you don't mind all the questions, as 
> I'm sure I will have more
> Thx, Lance.
> Nancy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Lance <>
> To: felvtalk <>
> Sent: Mon, Nov 30, 2015 6:43 pm
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Kit
> Hi Nancy,
> I’m not sure about the nodes. I guess it depends on what is causing the 
> swelling. 
> I’ve never heard of the Hardy RL test and a brief google didn’t yield results 
> related to FeLV. What kind of test is it? 
> Lance
> On Nov 30, 2015, at 2:32 PM, wrote:
> Kit's fever is gone.  No longer on Onsior.  Still taking Clavamox, Orabax, 
> and getting fluids.  Last blood work was improved.
> WBCs  from 4.34 to 5.25
> HCT  from 20% to 22%
> PLT  from 3000 to 24000
> Neutrophils from 651 to 2500
> Her nodes are still swollen.  Will they ever come down?  We still have at 
> least a week and a half of ABs, but was just
> wondering.  She is still playing, and eating very well.
> Waiting for the Hardy RL test.  Does that determine what stage?  
> Thank you!   
> Nancy
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