How did you know there was enlarged lymth nodes? Bloodwoork or X-ray or exam?  
All I have is blood work listed here. Vet does not want to use steroids of any 
kind she said cause liver is already struggling per blood work and steroids can 
cause liver illness.  I have tried AD and baby food-- he threw them up.  So now 
I am using ID cause vet said easy to digest.  I blend it and strain so it 
probably is nit the best calories with water added too but first two syringes 
today has stayed down.  But night is when he looses any daytime gains so we 
will see.  If I can't figure out soon if not already too late how to get 
more calories in him I am afraid he will pass point of no return.  We have 
interferon ordered but taking forever to get here-- been a week.  Thanks for 
all your quick kind support 
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