Hi Sherri

Yes, some of the results are worse (especially the platelets) but the retic 
count is actually up a bit. I hope that adding the Doxycycline might help.  The 
haematocrit and red cells are down, but nowhere as low as I have seen them in 
cats with FeLV, so there is a lot of cushion still there. The best piece of 
news is that she is eating and drinking and gaining weight.


-----Original Message-----
From: Felvtalk [mailto:felvtalk-boun...@felineleukemia.org] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: October-26-16 12:59 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: [Felvtalk] Bogey's checkup today - bad results

Just a bit of information regarding Bogey¹s last lab results. She had been 
sleeping a lot and not as active so this really didn¹t surprise me.
Everything has taken a down turn.
        Range           26-Oct  30-Sep
RBC     6.54    12.2    2.54    2.9
HCT     30.3    52.3    14.8    17.9
HGB     9.8     16.2    5.2     6.2
MCV     35.9    53.1    58.3    61.7
MCH     11.8    17.3    20.5    21.4
MCHC    28.1    35.8    35.1    34.6
RDW     15      27      24.5    25.2
RETIC   3       50      89.9    82.1
WBC     2.87    17.02   13.05   12.01
NEU     1.48    1.029   3.97    3.96
LYM     0.92    6.88    7.8     6.81
MONO    0.05    0.67    1.16    1.17
EOS     0.17    1.57    0.11    0.06
BASO    0.01    0.26    0.01    0.01
PLT     151     800     28      53

The only bit of good news is the doc did start her on Doxycycline twice a day. 
So she is going to be on that and Prednisolone and Stanzolol. I also give her 
Petinic twice a day and am going to add Lysine. I hope that the Doxy isn¹t 
arriving too late to help.

Bogey is not suffering. She is eating, drinking and gaining weight, although 
just a little, playing once in awhile. She is hiding now which she never did 
before. My heart hurts today.

Thanks for listening.


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