
Even without the issue of jaundice, if Bogey is dehydrated, the urine will be 

Sherri, do you know how to give subcutaneous fluids? It is very easy. Perhaps 
ask your vet to show you how. You just lift the loose skin at the back of the 
neck, and you inject or run fluids into that gap under the skin, behind the 
neck. The body will absorb the fluids as needed, so there is virtually no risk 
of giving too much fluid – any excess fluid is just peed out.

It is a life-saving technique that I wouldn’t be without. I always keep several 
bags of fluid in the house (ringer’s lactate/saline/5% dextrose – I hang onto 
any bags I can get) for use in an emergency. A droopy cat will often respond 
immediately and miraculously to subcutaneous fluids – usually saline or the 
ringer’s lactate.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-15-16 5:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Well I cannot seem to find anything that she will voluntarily drink. I think 
chicken broth is next. She groomed herself some today. But the last time she 
urinated it had started to turn more orange. Maybe this is expected? She does 
have more bounce in her step. Walking straighter lines and less wobbly. She is 
fighting me feeding her which is more her style. She meowed at me today when I 
called her name. What a wonderful sound that was.

From: Felvtalk 
 on behalf of Amani Oakley 
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 8:04 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

You can take your milk and dilute it with warm water and stir it around.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-15-16 8:13 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Hi Amani. This morning’s urine was also pretty clear. I will pick up some baby 
food today. She isn’t refusing to eat. She just is really too weak. If I hold 
her and let her lick it off my hand she does great. Almost a half of a 5.5 oz 
can already today. She has not vomited. I thought about milk but she has yet to 
have a bowel movement and I didn’t want to constipate her more. I think I will 
offer her some at next feeding. I drink whole milk so I think I will pick up 
some Whiskas today too.

I was surprised that the vet told me to start the Winstrol again so soon. I 
thought that was not a good plan.

Thanks for the input Amani.

From: Felvtalk 
 on behalf of Amani Oakley 
Reply-To: <<>>
Date: Thursday, December 15, 2016 at 7:42 AM
To: "<>" 
Subject: [Felvtalk] FW: FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat


There isn’t any hurry to get her back on the Winstrol. I would wait. Her 
haematology numbers give you quite a significant cushion to rely upon. Winstrol 
likely strains the liver, so you want the liver to rest for a while.

It sounds like she is better, though. I recommend baby food, which you can 
syringe feed into her. Keep up the feeding. It is good that the first urine was 
orange but the next wasn’t. She is hopefully clearing out the bilirubin. I 
think fluids are important to help with that, too. Have you tried some very 
diluted milk or some Whiskas milk? That might encourage her to drink some more.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Sherri 
Sent: December-15-16 7:42 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] FW: Update on Bogey My FELV + Cat

Just a little update for any of you following Bogey’s progress here or others 
who find these posts helpful.

First day home from hospital. She of course wasn’t interested in eating. But I 
would sit with her and she would lick Hill’s L/d and a/d from my finger. She 
ate over a full can total. Every hour or so I gave her about a tablespoon. 
Alternating between the two. I also am giving her water and a  few drops of 
Pedialite each time. The first time she urinated it was very orange about 2 pm. 
She didn’t urinate again until last night around 10 and was clear. She actually 
went to her water dish last night and took a couple of laps. She is still weak 
and wobbly. But she know where things are. Still seems out of it though. I 
doubt that she slept at all while in the hospital so I am just letting her 
rest. She is curled up on a bean bag chair right now with a heating pad on her.

She isn’t suffering or getting worse.

I have yet to start her back on the Winstrol but may do that today if the 
jaundice continues to show improvement. Might make her feel stronger.

Thanks for reading.

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