I can see this issue from both sides. I am fortunate to have enough money to treat my sick cats but not everyone has. I spend no money on anything but my cats, as to me they are my family members. I have 13 rescued cats at home and pay huge vet bills as they are older now and some have chronic illnesses. This is what I want to do, but not everyone can do this, and putting down a sick cat is their only option.


On 12/15/2016 10:43 PM, dlg...@windstream.net wrote:
my neighbors all think I am crazy also, in fact they call me the crazy cat 
lady.  one even said all catsd and stray dogs are good for is target practice 
and I told himstay away from my house or he will end up on the ground beside my 

You do what gives you pleasure and caring for our cats gives pleasure.  the 
love they give us can not be measured and being alone at 76, i think i would 
loose my sanity if they were not here to give me love and companship.

---- Randy Henke <ra...@magicedge.com> wrote:
I am new to this mailing list, our precious cat, Curly, having been just
recently diagnosed with FELV but already quite sick twice and just
beginning to rally (fingers crossed) from her second bout with severe
anemia and leukopenia.

I just wanted to say how much I admire every one of you here who go to such
great lengths for their pets, nursing them back from the brink time and
again, spending hundreds or thousands of dollars for treatment after
treatment to give them as much time with us as we possibly can.

My wife and I are both surrounded by friends and co-workers who think we
are fools for caring so much about an animal. They ask why we are so
melancholy and then look at us with disbelief when we tell them the reason.
Their philosophy is to take good care of their pets but when they get
seriously ill, it's time to put them down and move on.

To me, such thinking could only come from cold, heartless and selfish
individuals. Sometimes I actually envy them because life would be so much
easier if I could think like they do. But I can't and I won't. Just because
a family member has four legs instead of two doesn't diminish their worth
nor does it detract from their will to live. We do them an egregious
disservice by shortening their lives when there are still viable options on
the table that can provide additional months or even weeks of quality life.

The devotion and empathy that you people have for your cats is so touching
to me that I am sitting here right now crying.

God bless every one of you.


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