
    On the weekends we don't generate as much email as during the week, so I will answer you as best I can.  First, I will leave it to the other experts to tell you about Feline Leukemia and how to treat your foster kitty.  Believe me, there will be plenty of advice forthcoming. :)

    I can answer the question about whether your pet sitter can take it home to her cats.  In a word....NO.  The Feline Leukemia virus is extremely fragile outside the host body.  It only lives until it dries.  Dr. John Hardy, the creator of the definitive test (IFA) for Feline Leukemia, says that "when it dries, it dies!"  So, if your pet sitter doesn't have anything wet like the cat's saliva or urine on her, her cats will be just fine.

     I have had a felv+ cat for 4 years.  I don't take any precautions except to make sure my hands are dry, and I haven't stepped in anything of his wet when I interact with my other cats.


"The only risk you ever run in befriending a cat is enriching yourself." - Colette

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