Julie ... I've missed you! 
Happy Thanksgiving to you and to everyone in this, our group.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 9:26 AM
Subject: Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone

Dear Friends,
I haven't posted in quite a while but I wanted to let you all know that you are always in my thoughts.  Thank you to Joan for the funny emails, to Anne for keeping me up-to-date on Sophie, and to Paolo for everything.
It's been a rough few months and I've been so overwhelmed that I simply couldn't keep up with my email.  I've 'dropped in' a few times to catch up and to all of you who have had losses, my heart breaks for you.  I hope your memories will comfort you.  To those with sick kitties, my prayers are with you.  To all the new folks, welcome; I'm sorry you had to find this group, but it's exactly what you need and you will never find a better group of folks.
In September, my husband was diagnosed with diabetes and we've been making some rather dramatic lifestyle changes (grocery shopping has become an all day event; it takes that long to read all the labels!).  My mom is disabled and has had several falls recently; she completely ignores the doctor's orders and my sister and I are just in a quandry about whether or not she can continue to live alone; we have somone coming in, but not all day.  It's a difficult situtation as I'm sure many of you know.  On October 1st, I came home from work and Wayne (one of my cats who does go outside) was not there.  He rarely ever left the porch.  To date, we have no idea what happened to him.  We have searched everywhere.  Contacted shelters, vets, AC, put up posters, etc.  There have been a few leads, but none of the cats turned out to be Wayne.  We are heartsick.  It's like he just disappeared. 
Some of you may remember Cheddar the cat who was unable to urinate.  We started him on methylcobalamin (a form of vitamin B12 that is being used for some neurological problems) in September and it made no difference.  There were no options for him other than repeated anesthesia and manual expressing of his bladder.  A few weeks ago, we got a call from the tech who was his primary caregiver (and who loved him desperately) saying that she felt it was time for him.  His whole personality had changed, his abdomen and the shape of his bladder had changed from the force needed to express him for all those months and he was not happy.  We decided to euthanize him that night after the office closed. He had such a sad life, but he finally did find a group of people who loved him.  My dear Tommy has recently been diagnosed as hyper-thyroid.  He's responding well to Tapazole and we are looking at the radioactive iodine treatment as a permane! nt solution.
My FIV+ kitties are well; Maurice was re-tested with Western Blot last week and he came back positive.  He is a giant tank of a cat who is full of charm; we've let him out a few times, but there are issues with some of the cats and him and I can't rule out biting; he does get aggressive with some of the males who are aggressive with him.  He needs a roomate who is a bit more energetic than Brownie.  Brownie is well; he is confined by a baby gate to a small part of the room where his food, bed, litter and scratcher are all in the same pattern (he's blind and almost totally deaf in addition to being FIV+) and he seems quite happy.  He LOVES his little bed and he's never met a bowl of food that he doesn't vacuum up!  He was terribly thin when he came to me, but he's finally putting on weight and is getting quite a big tummy.  Eduardo has become quite friendly and rubs my legs every day at mealtime.  I lured him into the mudroom with food ! when the nights started to get cool and he tore a foot wide piece of linoleum off the floor trying to dig his way out under the door.  We can only assume he was somehow trapped somewhere in his life and just freaks out when confined (he ate through a window screen and the panel of an air conditioner to get out when we first brought him in the house).  He's not aggressive and does well with the outside cats and will at least come into the garage overnight.  I'd rather have him in the basement where there is heat, but he is very wary and won't come down the stairs.  I can put a doghouse in the loft above the garage (he climbs the ladder like a little fireman!) and put his down bed inside it and he should be OK during the winter; at least he'll be out of the wind and those insulated doghouses are good, I think.  I'm going to try one of those discs that you put in the microwave and insert under their bedding, too.  He didn't want to come into the garage unt! il it got cold at night, so I'm hoping he'll reconsider the basement when it gets to be subzero!
I have to figure out a way to reconfigure my house so that I can adopt two double positives (FeLV/FIV) who came into my friend Joan's rescue recently.  Esme is very timid and nervous.  Her fur was so matted that it took Joan and I over an hour to shave about 2/3 of her body and you've never seen anything like these mats; they were as hard as rocks and literally covered her body like a shell.  She became SO animated when we were shaving her; she was in terrible shape when we got the call and was covered in fleas.  She was so matted she couldn't even reach her skin.  We gave her a good scratch after shaving and she was licking us like crazy!  Backus has a burst eye but he is too much of a surgical risk at this point and the vets feel he isn't in pain, so while it looks quite awful, it doesn't seem to bother him.  We're trying to get him built up so that the eye can be operated on.  I am hoping that feline interferon is the miracle w! e are all hoping for and I am praying for the kitty who is to be treated with it.
We have a healthy new addtion to our home; his name is Donovan and he is about 8-9 months old.  He looks exactly like Wayne and has much the same personality.  We had a knock on the door one night about 6 weeks ago and it was a neighbor who had found him running in traffic on a busy street across town.  Her son is desperately allergic and she wondered if I could take him.  He is such a sweet and mellow little boy; it's like he has been with us forever; he just moved in and fell into the swing of things immediately.  Until he was vetted, I had him in the mudroom and I made him a bed that first night.  He got right into it like it had always been his!
I hope to be 'around' more; I've missed you all.
I wish each of you a wonderful Thanksgiving; I'm so thankful to have a group of friends like you.
Hugs and headbutts.
Love, Julie

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

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