You've probably already tried a variation on "The Camuti Method" - named by/for Louis Camuti a fabulous retired veterinarian from NY.  start on one end of house - thoroughly search each room one at a time and as you finish each room - close it off.  Also check for loose vent covers, are there any walls she could have gotten into?, any ceilings?, old farm houses have attics, she could have started in there and ended up somewhere far away in the actual structure of the building, loose fabric on bottom of box springs - inside the box spring can be a lovely spot for kitties.  Think warm dark quiet places that just call to kitties not feeling well.  behind the water heater, furnace, wood stove - behind your kitchen stove - someplace she would feel safe.  Using a calm low voice is good too, although the others will know something is up because they always do, dont' they? :)  sending "come out Sophie" vibes!! and hugs for you:)

N! ina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I'm so sorry Sophie is missing. I go completely out of my mind whenever
I can't find one of my babies, especially if they've been feeling
poorly. I have a wonderful friend, Patricia Schaller, who is a pet
communicator, the link below is to her website. She never charges for
help with lost animals. Whether you believe it's possible, or not,
please give her a call. It can't hurt and it could help. When my bottle
baby, Ursula disappeared for 4 days, Patricia is the one who gave me
hope and helped me get through the ordeal. In fact that's how we became
friends. In any event, I would not do anything that would scare her
further. Try to stay calm and call to her as if she's across the living
room from you. Please let us know if Sophie comes home.

I'm praying for Sophie's safe return and sending you calming energy.
Much love,

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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