We're home:)  The urinalysis didn't show any crystals or calculi and the culture will take a bit longer.  His PH is at 6, which is the high end of the normal range.  There was still a lot of blood in his urine, although it looked older - the cells were broken down.  And the WBC HFD (high field density, high power microscope on itty bitty pinhead of urine) showed 3 WBC and that's getting kinda high.  They showed me the urine samples they'd pulled and the two they did this morning just looked like pure blood, one had a clot in it too....  They'd given him some acepromezine this morning to ease his bladder spasms and the pain - it also calmed him down quite a bit, made him much more comfortable.  At some point today, he peed in the carrier, it was probably after they'd gotten the sample this afternoon, because when I pulled the pad out of the carrier, it was still wet, but not warm.  Lots of blood.  He's back in the spot here in! the bedroom where he's been the last couple of days...  it's kind of barricaded, so since I know I have to check it out for urine etc, I know what tonight's project is.. oog.  Anyhoo, they've put him on clavamox and acepromezine for now and depending on what the culture grows, they'll extend the clavamox 'script (right now I only have enough for 7 days).... heh, never mind - I just found out it was Bandit in that spot - I still have to check it out though.  Smoky is pretty drugged right now - like me last week:)  They also gave me Waltham's prescription recipe for urinary problems and I bought a couple cans.  Until we get the culture results, we just have to keep an eye on his potty habits and make sure that he's actually producing urine when he goes and hopefully that will be the case and also that the urine output will be in the litter box - but as long as there is output, I'll just weather the um, storm and use my anti-icky poo where necessary.
I don't think that an internist would be called for - this clinic is feline only, a member of the American Animal Hospital Association and two of the three vets are Diplomats for the American Board of Veterinary Practitioners in Feline Practice.  They really know their stuff.  But if they can't figure something out, they don't hesitate to contact someone at the UW-Madison Vet School for help.  And the gods help me if I have to go to someplace even more expensive than my clinic!
Keep my poor baby in your thoughts and add a little post-script to his brother not to pick on him for a few days, little stinker.
Will keep you all posted - I am sooooo grateful to have you guys!!

Did you start him on antibiotics in case it is an infection while they are figuring this out? I would insist on doing that, as I do not think it could hurt.  Also, if they have trouble figuring out, and if you can afford it, you might want to be referred to an internist. But they are usually expensive.

Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito

"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."
- Anonymous

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