Well, it seems that I can't post this in one go as I originally intended, so 
I'm splitting the chapter up into a number of posts. It should work... 

This is my venture into the realms of what a?commentator at TFF dubbed a 
"Stealth Crackfic". Everything is logically set up, logically developed... and 
leads to totally absurd results. It's a crackfic... only it makes sense.

It started out as an SI. Now... before you start gagging, it's grown and 
changed?considerably... although Recca is still rather heavily based on me, and 
its roots show from time to time.

It all started out when Prince Charon posted a question: what would you do if 
you were a jounin instructor in Konoha? Well... I'm not the type to become one 
-- spectacularly so... and the image of me becoming one was just plain wrong. 
Because of that, I wrote out a few short scenes featuring what would happen... 
since the only way I'd ever become one was if I had a rather spectacular 
psychotic break.

Those scenes were rather well recieved, and I started the work fleshing them 
out into a full fic. In the process of doing so, however, things changed and 
evolved. Recca quickly grew from being a SI into becoming a true OC -- there 
are things that I understand (and understood when?I started writing the story) 
that Recca does not, and vice-versa. Recca has his own quirks, his own way of 
thinking... his own /life/, in a strange way.

That, and he's perfectly aware of the meaning of the word "restraint" -- it's 
just not his kink.

It's important to note, however, that I started writing this in March. I've 
tried to keep the story compatable with recent canon revelations... but there 
were times when it was difficult to do so. Please forgive any revision errors 
that occur, especially given my next point.

Unfortunately, this hasn't been fully betaed. It HAS been through the first 
round of the beta process, but my beta has suddenly lost a lot of free time due 
to a new job, and I wanted to get this sent out before Christmas. C&C would?be 
greatly appreciated... pun intended.

Finally, TFF allows the use of both underlines and italics, something that is 
not possible on the text-only FFML. I've indicated italics by preceding and 
following the italicized text with a slash (/italicized text/) and underlining 
by doing the same with an underscore (_underlined text_). Please forgive any 
difficulty this may cause in reading.

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