On Fri, Nov 30, 2007 at 7:47 PM, Paul Durant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>    Sailor Moon was created by Naoko Takeuchi, and the DARK.MATTER
>  setting was written by Wolfgang Baur and Monte Cook. I own neither of
>  these things, and expect that if either of those last two people Google
>  their own names they are going to be incredibly confused.

My advice, opinions, and theory are just that and should be
used/ignored at your own discretion.  With the exception of my
explanation for the chupacabra; that should essentially be taken as
gospel truth, not mere crackpot theory.

>    The ambluance speeds down the streets of Tokyo, the blaring of its
>  alarm nearly hoarse with panic. The driver's eyes are locked on the
>  road, the cars she darts in and out of, letting nothing distract her.

ambluance -- ambulance

>    Two gurneys are in the back of the ambulance, holding the two most
>  wounded victims of the incident at the University of Tokyo. The eyes of
>  the EMT back with them nervously flicker between the patients and the
>  screens that show their vital data, wishing there was more he could do
>  for them. The eyes of the two girls on the gurneys, the purple eyes of
>  the short and frail one and the blue eyes of the blonde with the
>  odangos, are blank and stare at nothing.

Technically, odango is already pluralized.

>    And the eyes of her companion, the red-headed American man in the
>  camouflage-pattern pants, scrunched up against the wall like Spider-Man
>  sitting on the side of a building, find the roof of the car to be the
>  most interesting thing to engage them.

You'd almost think they were dating.

>    "You are a real Goddamned piece of work, Bill." Dr. Neary's voice was
>  still a bit loud and toneless, a ringing noise still making its circuits
>  through her ears.

Repetition of 'still'.

>    "Hey, it got rid of the Fader, didn't it? I didn't see any of you
>  coming up with any bright ideas." He stopped, thought, adding something
>  that clearly did not take part in his decision-making process. "And
>  besides, it's not like I knew it would turn him into a bomb, or whatever
>  the hell it did. All I knew was what you all told me, that it sent it to
>  a dimensional hoojamawhatever, maybe it just needed to be closer!"

Bill's first line after his initial dialogue looks like it might be
missing an 'and'.

>    Nadine put her hands to her temples; she wanted to do this in
>  response to the ringing and head pains for a while but waited until she
>  could make the action an insult to Bill as well. She winced when she put
>  pressure on the left hand but passed that off as all part of the same
>  disdainful response. "Yeah, Bill. Because that's what complicated pieces
>  of interdimensional machinery do: they work great when you wing them at
>  people's heads. Especially interdimensional people who would have
>  otherwise left us alone and let us wait another five days to fix
>  whatever was wrong with the machine."

Should 'interdimensional' be 'inter-dimensional'?

>    Wheeler threw out his arms in an 'oh, now what do you want from me'
>  gesture, then fumbled to keep the IV stand he'd accidentally smacked
>  from tipping. "I didn't try to carjack anything! I knew we didn't have a
>  name for space-girl here and we'd lose her if we got separated, so Itold
>  the driver I was a federal agent and she was in my custody -- I mean,
>  it's a lame story, but I was in a hurry."

Itold -- I told

>    "Oh, it's a real lame story Bill, and it gets even lamer when you're
>  screaming it in a completely different language. You have a foot and a
>  half and at least a hundred and thirty pounds on her, you're shouting
>  gibberish she doesn't understand and us English-speakers find suspect,
>  you're shoving a badge that actually says 'Federal Bikini Inspector' in
>  her face, she thought you were a crazy man! I bet she still thinks
>  whatever happened to space-girl, you did yourself."

her face, she thought -- her face; she thought (perhaps)

>    "So then what's the third option?"
>    Haruka bit her lip. "I don't know yet."

Hmm.  Hoffman muckamuckery, I've no doubt.

>    Donna Truitt chewed her lip nervously, waiting for news. All around
>  her doctors rushed back and forth, speaking with an urgency that barely
>  encroached on panic. The accident at the university hadn't been too
>  severe, the hardest hit had been the four of them, plus the Space Girl,
>  plus the blonde who must have been hit by a piece of debris outside, and
>  even then the four of them had some bruises and scrapes but were mostly
>  okay. Apparently, that hadn't been the main event -- there was another
>  explosion, larger by orders of magnitude, at the same time at some prep
>  school on the other side of the district. Even though it had been before
>  classes even started, the school had been for some reason packed with
>  students, and now the hospital was packed with students.

I'm not sure about that last sentence, seems a bit clunky.  Mostly due
to repetition of 'packed with students' (though, that may be

>    Donna cared about them in the abstract, distant way one cares for
>  people one has never met but has no reason to wish ill on, but the
>  'Space Girl' was different. If she was just another strange phenomena to
>  be observed, reported on, and tucked into a file somewhere, Donna could
>  have at least sat down and pretended to read a magazine while she
>  waited. Instead she paced back and forth and chewed her lip.

Space Girl hasn't been denoted with quotation marks thus far.

>    She didn't know why she was so worried. Well, no, that was a complete
>  lie. She knew exactly why she was so worried, she just kept telling
>  herself it was unusual and unexpected to keep her own self-image as the
>  jaded, disaffected ice queen. The other people they were wheeling about
>  were teenagers or older, easier to file their maladies under the heading
>  of "shit just happens". Space-girl was just a kid, and a small, frail
>  one at that. Shit happens to adults. Shit shouldn't happen to kids,
>  because kids need to have someone to protect them. Plus, while the
>  explosion crosstown was probably their fault -- simultaneous events like
>  that are rarely coincidence -- a girl from outer space or who-knows-
>  where showing up in the rubble of the explosion they caused was pretty
>  explicitly their fault.

Now Space-girl is hyphenated, and 'girl' isn't capitalized?

>    By "their fault" she meant "Bill's fault", of course.


>    Kaiou Michiru doesn't normally make a habit of jaywalking, and in
>  fact considers it an embarassing, if minor, oversight. But what with her
>  trying and failing to prevent the arrival of the Messiah of Silence,
>  having a front-row seat to the end of all life on Earth, then being
>  whisked away without any explanation or resolution, almost dying behind
>  a Nissan Stanza, and trying to figure out why the transformation pen in
>  her hands had stopped working, she didn't have a lot of mental energy
>  left over to dedicate to crosswalks or traffic safety. When she saw the
>  headlights she stopped, not out of panic or terror but because she was
>  trying to remember what the hell this thing was and why it was here.

embarassing -- embarrassing

>    Haruka grabbed Michiru by the shoulder and yanked her out of the
>  car's path, at which point the woman shouted "THANK you!" and the tires
>  squealed as she tore off. Michiru blinked, shook her head, and wondered
>  if she had a concussion.


>    "Well, if you see those two, tell them I'm going to have them page
>  'Dr. Hoffman' to whereever they end up putting the space-girl when she's
>  out of X-ray." She pulled the surgical mask back over her mouth. "It
>  might take a while, there's a bit of a line. Anyway, I'm going down to
>  triage to lend a hand, Hippocratic Oath and all that."

whereever -- where ever

>    "You didn't hear? Apparently that whole place collapsed like three
>  minutes before our little fiasco. You can take that off your conscience.
>  Now if you will excuse me, the people are in need..." She pulled the
>  mask back on and sauntered on down to the hospital's cafeteria where the
>  patients were being held.

One wonders if serving her oath is a coping mechanism, despite her
statements not to worry.  Interesting.

>    Kino Matoko had a great deal of problems. In fact she had more now
>  than when she thought all life on Earth was in imminent danger of being
>  Silenced, and the bare fact she even thought that was another problem
>  for her list.

Matoko -- Makoto

>    She ran over the sequence of events in her head again. They'd made it
>  to the Mugen academy before the ritual was completed. They'd been
>  attacked by what looked like a mob of uncooked daimons, which they had
>  managed to hold at bay long enough for Sailor Moon to make it inside,
>  because Sailor Moon was always the only one who could do anything. The
>  other four of them were trying to contain the power field emanating from
>  the building from expanding any further, hoping to buy Sailor Moon
>  enough time to stop the arrival of the dread Pharaoh 90. And then, of
>  course,the field has broken and they were drawn up in the air to witness
>  the arrival of the Silence firsthand. Mistress Nine's hold on her body
>  weakened because she had underestimated the power of human love, and it
>  looked like it wasn't going to matter. The building collapsed, the
>  second time in 24 hours, and the hellish energy of the Pharaoh was
>  taking the whole block with it. Sailor Uranus was berating Sailor Moon
>  for being too trusting, and at the precise second when it appeared all
>  hope was lost, a glowing, translucent Sailor Saturn had appeared to
>  sacrifice her life to save all of theirs.

course,the -- course, the
field has broken -- field had broken (?)
collapsed, the second time -- Is this missing a 'for'?

>    Matoko had participated in this kind of activity at least three times
>  in the past, two of which she could remember, and so far this was all
>  pretty standard stuff.

Matoko -- Makoto

>    Then the portal through which the Pharaoh was entering exploded -- it
>  didn't suddenly expand, didn't turn its evil black light white as Sailor
>  Moon's love purified it, didn't even "explode with magic" -- it blew up,
>  an Earth-shattering CHA-THOOM that left her ears ringing and her lungs
>  gasping for air. Mugen had already collapsed twice before, but each time
>  it was like it was condensing itself, casting off all unnecessary pieces
>  to prepare for the final showdown. And now, the building had decided
>  that its components no longer amused it and flung them away. Sailor
>  Saturn was talking when it went up, so it didn't seem like she had
>  expected this, or that this was the ultimate fatal power she was going
>  to have to use. And there wasn't a Pharaoh running around, so it
>  obviously wasn't the explosion created when he arrived in our world.

This is actually more hilarious the longer I think about it.
Pharaoh's got to be mighty pissed to have been defeated by crossed
wires and a misplaced Fader.

The hot-dog rotisserie won't help, either.

>    Maybe whatever kind of alien being the Pharaoh 90 is exploded when it
>  came into contact with Earth's atmosphere, but Matoko thought that was
>  unlikely. That seemed like the kind of thing you'd do some reasearch on
>  before you started your summoning cult.

reasearch -- research

>    But, okay, the great evil exploded before the fight was over. That's
>  unusual. Then Matoko recalled the feeling of being yanked toward the
>  dead center of the explosion and caught a glimpse of Sailor Uranus being
>  thrown toward the same point, and when she hit the center through which
>  the Pharaoh had been arriving less than a second ago, she blacked out.
>  And that wouldn't have been that unusual if she had woke up in the Tau
>  cluster or wherever the Pharaoh had been from, because then it would
>  have just been that he was drawing them into his world for whatever
>  reason entities like him do things. Instead she awakened in midair with
>  the same forward momentum she'd entered the "space" with, and juging by
>  the number of things flying around and what direction, she'd traveled at
>  most twenty-five meters and done so in half a second -- her loss of
>  consciousness no longer than an eyeblink. She hit the asphalt and heard
>  a snap like a stick of celery, it was her left leg. She skipped like a
>  stone looking above her for just enough time to see Minako trace a
>  graceful arc through the air, her blonde hair splayed about behind her
>  like a sweat-soaked and dust-caked comet's tail.

Matoko -- Makoto
juging -- judging
eyeblink -- eye blink
celery, it was her left leg. -- celery; her left leg.

>    They loaded her into an ambulance because she couldn't walk, she saw
>  Ami and Minako getting onto a school bus they'd brought over to carry
>  the wounded. None of them put up too much of a fight -- what the hell
>  were they going to do? Not like they could run anywhere or fight them
>  off, and it didn't seem like there were any more daimons climbing out of
>  that hole. So they'd been taken to the hospital, run through triage --
>  Rei apparently needed immediate treatment, but the rest of them were
>  sent off to wait in the hospital cafeteria with the rest of the non-
>  critically injured victims until the doctors had taken care of those
>  most in need of medical care. There were a couple of doctors here, the
>  ones who can't work in the ER she guessed, changing bandages and setting
>  bones and doing all that non-critical stuff. One of them was Ami's
>  mother but luckily she seemed to be staying on the other end of the
>  cafeteria, the doctor who bandaged up the abrasions on Matoko's back was
>  some random doctor, someone in a surgical mask and what looked like a
>  hastily-applied wrist brace on her own arm. It took longer to apply the
>  dressings with only one good hand, but that's still better than having
>  Dr. Mizuno over and possibly putting two and two together now that their
>  magic identity protection was gone.

cafeteria, the doctor -- cafeteria.  The doctor

>    Minako, Matoko and Ami had all found each other but Rei was in
>  surgery and Usagi nowhere to be found, not to mention Hotaru and Michiru
>  and Haruka. Ami tried to track them with the Mercury Computer, but found
>  that it had gone from a pocket space-age hypercomputer to an ordinary
>  "Wizard" day-planner. Now would be the time when they huddled together
>  to form a plan or hash out just what had happened, but none of them had
>  anything to go on.

Matoko -- Makoto
Should hypercomputer be hyper-computer?
Hotaru and Michiru and Haruka -- Hotaru, Michiru, and Haruka

>    Dr. Nadine Neary was grinning and bouncing slightly from one heel to
>  the other, a manila envelope in her good hand, at the foot of the
>  hospital bed that now held the one they referred to as "space-girl".
>  Donna and Bill were in there, seated, waiting for Philip to show up
>  because Nadine, quote, "wanted to tell everyone at once". Phil finally
>  opened the door, grumbling under his breath, the top of his head covered
>  in cotton bandages. They were four or five layers thick, almost as if
>  someone had decided to mummify him from the head down, then got bored
>  and stopped once he got to the forehead. More likely this was some
>  unfortunate Japanese doctor or nurse or resident's way of appearing to
>  treat Phil's imaginary ailment just so he'd go away and stop
>  complaining.

Now Space Girl is hyphenated, and nothing is capitalized.

>    "Well, apparently the explosion -- the one we didn't cause -- wasn't
>  as bad as they first thought, not as many people in the area as they
>  feared. And the one we did cause affected fifteen people, eight of which
>  could be treated on scene, four of which are us," At this point Bill
>  raised his right hand, his pinky and ring fingers held in metal sheaths
>  and wrapped with tape, and Donna held out her arm to show off the
>  bandages on it, both of them waved like they were in a crowd shot on
>  "The Today Show".

on it, both of -- on it; both of

>    Nadine waved her hands, then winced when she twisted her wrist the
>  wrong way. "No, no, no. Something that the doctors here know about
>  that'd have them put her in our custody without a lot of fussing.
>  Something that I have in this envelope. Anyone else?" Her gaze flitted
>  from Bill to Donna to Phil and back again, who all stared at her
>  impassivley.

impassivley -- impassively

>    "She is NOT a Sandman!" Nadine crowed with satisfaction. "Because
>  first off, she's unconscious and her body hasn't dissolved into a pile
>  of sand, which is why we call them 'Sand'men. And second, Sandmen are
>  damn near made of cybernetics from what we can tell, and Space-Girl is
>  not. She's only got a couple implants -- left arm, both legs, and the
>  left side of her abdomen -- and they're not very big, either. You see
>  that?" She tapped on a part of the X-ray Donna was holding that looked
>  like any other part, a mush of black and white and grey. "See that metal
>  hunk inside the bone? That's not debris, there's no entry wound. No,
>  that piece of metal was there so long that the bone grew around it. But
>  that's not what makes it a cybernetic implant -- you see this?"

Should they be discussing this where she might wake up and hear?

>    Her finger moved up and down the X-Ray along some path of grey lines
>  Donna couldn't distinguish from any other path of grey lines. "Yes, I
>  do," she said in a way she hoped could be later written off as sarcasm.

grey -- gray

>    "These are muscle wires, they're wires used for robotics that
>  contract when you run a current through them, emulating the contractions
>  of a human muscle. Now these ones are actually mixed in with her muscle
>  tissue, underneath it! They don't go up the whole length of the arm, but
>  they do go for the length of that piece of metal in her bone, and a
>  couple of them are still connected to it!" Donna looked around to see if
>  this discovery excited anyone as much as it did her, and it did not.

ARG!  "these ones" is improper grammar.  But ... this is spoken, so. >_>;

>    "So, wait, how does this explain her warping in with a magic scythe?"
>    Nadine's smile narrowed. "It... doesn't."

Yeah, I figured.

>    For a second, Sailor Pluto thought she was dead. She was on her back
>  in a grey, flat expanse with no landmarks, no sky, nothing. Purgatory if
>  she ever saw such a place. Then she rolled her head and saw behind her
>  the Gates of Time. Her first thought was that she'd been standing watch
>  in purgatory this whole time and never known it.

grey -- gray

>    "I don't know very much of what happened," she said, and that was the
>  truth even if she knew more than she planned to tell them. "There were
>  some... people, who were working at the Mugen school where my father
>  taught sometimes. Witches. They said they were summoning a demon and
>  that they had to use me to do it." She paused, wondering if she should
>  make up a totally different story with no supernatural involvment, or
>  just try to keep her father's culpability out and not let on that she
>  was Sailor Saturn. She knew she couldn't let her own identity out, that
>  was a secret that was important to keep, and she didn't want to tell
>  them it was her own father who was responsible for all this, but if she
>  told them something totally made up she might contradict something they
>  already know and they'd know she was lying.

involvment -- involvement

>    Hotaru was a bit embarassed that it looked like she'd been caught in
>  a lie at one of the points she was telling the unvarnished truth. "It
>  said it had many names. It was Pharaoh 90, or the Silent One, or just
>  the Silence, or Isci ba Fan, or Death."

embarassed -- embarrassed

>    Phil interrupted. "But the last time we did that it was about Bigfoot
>  and by the end of the day I'd hit him with a folding chair."
>    Donna raised a finger to correct him. "You did not hit Bigfoot with a
>  folding chair, Phil. You threw a folding chair AT Bigfoot, you missed,
>  and then you ran away screaming." She shook her head and rolled her
>  eyes.


>    Phil nodded. "She's obviously been affected by the supernatural
>  somehow even beyond the weapon or the cybernetics -- some of the notes
>  on Dr. Tomoe's computer make reference to a 'living locus' to use as a
>  beacon to summon an extradimensional entity. He could have used her as
>  an experiment, and I don't think that's beyond a man who has no pictures
>  of his own daughter in his lab or his office, and she thought he was
>  summoning a demon and that if she was involved she has to be evil. When
>  the resonance disruptor overloaded when Bill broke it, if she was out-
>  of-phase to serve as a beacon or whatever, it very well could have
>  pulled her toward ground zero as it pulled her all the way into our
>  reality." He shrugged. "Maybe. Anyway, it's pretty clear she's
>  externalized the part of her that participated but used it as proof of
>  her own malevolence instead of a means to avoid blame. And it doesn't
>  seem unlikely to me that if someone tried to stop the experiment she'd
>  interpret it as some holy champion swooping in to save her and show her
>  mercy she doesn't think she deserves."

extradimensional -- extra-dimensional (perhaps?)

>    Bill sighed. "I know you're going to laugh at this, but I don't think
>  she made any of it up. She's obviously leaving parts out, like where
>  these magic soldiers come from or what they are or why she's got to be
>  the one doing the summoning, but look at her! She knows she isn't a very
>  good liar and she wouldn't be able to make anything up that would even
>  be as believable as this. And she's got a look in her eyes that kids in
>  First World countries don't have -- kids in Afghanistan who have been
>  through wars and own AK-47s have it. That doesn't come out of your own
>  subconscious, it comes from the world forcing you to grow up or get
>  killed. And you all saw her Dad's basement, it was full of freaky shit
>  we don't know the function of. How do we know he was trying to summon a
>  Fader at all? How do we know the Fader came out as a side effect, or
>  that it was even related at all? And, I can't believe I have to be the
>  one to mention this, why did the Mugen academy blow up right before
>  ourlittle incident, and how would she know about it if she wasn't there?
>  She hasn't been hearing the news."

ourlittle -- our little

>    "You are American... secret FBI agents, yes?" he said in stilted,
>  uneasy English. They nodded. "There is telephone call for you, mister
>  Itohiro Nakami. Phone is this way, please."


>    "Nakami! How ya doing, you crazy kid you... To answer that question
>  you just asked, I am fine, and thank you for caring so deeply about my
>  well-being... Well there's been nothing to call you about until just
>  now,Sir... Oh, no, the party didn't come together the way we wanted it
>  to... Well, you know, a few crossed wires in the sound system and the
>  subwoofer goes out and sends seven people to the hospital, plus there
>  was this other party downtown that started a little before ours that
>  everyone wanted to go to instead... No, I do not believe the two parties
>  had anything to do with each other... Yes, we did see the guest of honor
>  and we gave him a sendoff before everything blew up... Well it wasn't
>  that important and we were busy with other things...

now,Sir -- now, Sir
sendoff -- send-off

>    "The reason we are still here is, we found a, let's say a
>  'hitchhiker', 13 year old kid, whoooooo, 'got in to the party without
>  buying a ticket', and we wanted to make sure she was all right... She
>  just woke up, apparently the oh I'm gonna say 'guy she hitched a ride
>  with' was a real rough trick who goes by the handle of 'The Silent One',
>  and he was forcing her to do all kinds of crazy things before she told
>  him to take a hike... That may be an alias, he also goes by 'The
>  Silence', 'Pharaoh 90', 'Isci ba Fan'... Yes, that's what I said... She
>  said that he was keeping her in the truck for a while before she jumped
>  out, and she feels real bad about... Oh, so now code phrases are
>  annoying? Not when I'm trying to figure out a way to say 'Lizard-men
>  have stolen our Jeep with the Tesla Coil still inside it' in nonchalant-
>  ese?...


>    Donna turned back towards Bill and Nadine, who'd stopped pretending
>  to be talking about other things so they could try and figure out what
>  the hell they were just talking about. "That was the Director," she
>  sighed. "He says he's going to hop a plane to Tokyo as soon as he can
>  and that we are to, quote, 'Make sure nothing happens to the girl -- in
>  fact, I want you to recruit her by the time I arrive!'"

Isn't the director of the Hoffman institute a Gray?

>    They walked back to Hotaru's room, wondering how the hell they were
>  supposed to convince a Japanese teenager who may or may not be
>  suicidally-depressed, who may or may not be a living focus of evil, and
>  may or may not be the target of a band of righteous magic warriors, to
>  join up with the world's most destitute secret conspiracy, and more
>  importantly why they were doing so.


>  SPECIES: Human
>  PROFESSION: Diplomat (Free Agent)
>  STR 09 [+0] INT 14 [+2]
>  DEX 06 [-1] WIL 12 [+1]
>  CON 08      PER 11
>  Observant    [3]: Dr. Akens is good at picking out small details. He
>  recieves a -1 step bonus to Awareness -- Perception checks.
>  Second Sight [4]: After an aggravating fiasco in Spokane, Washington
>  involving a warlock making heavy use of 'glamours', Dr. Akens has been
>  trained in the ability to see through illusions. He recieves a -1 step
>  bonus on any skill roll to pierce an illusion, and is always entitled to
>  a WIL feat check to pierce illusion even if the skill normally allows
>  none.

recieves -- receives

>  Combat Information:
>  Weapon:         Score:    Range:   Damage (O/G/A): Type:
>  Unarmed       4/2/1 +1  Personal   d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s LI/O
>  Gun           3/1/- +1 As Weapon         As Weapon   HI
>  Folding Chair 4/2/1 +1   9/18/36 d4+1s/d4+3s/d6+3s LI/O

He has points in Folding Chair? O_o

Didn't know those could be used at range....

Bigfoot: Not well.

Alright.  Another interesting chapter, and it seems very well paced.
I'm enjoying it so far. :)

Brian Randall
I write fanfiction. Too much of it. You can read it here, thanks to a
kind grant from the Larry F foundation:
Together. Allegiance or death. BIGFIRE!
Haiku of my lament:

Forgive my spelling,
my U.S. education,
is the source of blame.

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