> > It's the Ranmaverse. Things get rebuilt overnight all the time, why
> > should
> > this surprise her?
> Well it's not just a 'dojo roof gets magically repaired over night'
situation, it's a 'somebody leveled the house right next door and
constructed two large buildings in its place, all overnight without anyone
noticing' situation.


> Sorry Emi's not your cup of tea.  I suppose in a story where I've
idiotically added too many original characters, the likelihood of one of
them severely irking somebody goes up with each one.

Hey, the fact that it's JUST the one is nothing to sneeze at. Most authors
can't manage to add JUST one character without this happening. :P Like I
said, most of your new characters are, at least, tolerable if not
interesting. It's just this one in particular that irritates the hell out of

> Drop me a line if you come up with any further insights as to why she's
particuarly obnoxious;

Other than the fact that she's a blatant psycho bull dyke who can't keep her
nose out of things that don't concern her? :P

"Sheik Protein? He's a mean ol' ass, Cid."
The Eternal Lost Lurker

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