Whoah! I like the fic dude! Chrono Trigger is one of my favorite Snes games, 
it's just so cool, really great!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "The Eternal Lost Lurker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FFML" <ffml@chez-vrolet.net>
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2008 2:20 PM
Subject: [FFML] [oneshot][dark][Chrono Trigger] In the Infinite Moment

> --One among you--
> This isn't how I expected it to be.
> --What do you expect to do--
> My body...I can barely move it. It hurts...
> --will shortly perish--
> The words spoken by the dour child echo in the infinite, the shape of the
> small mouth forming that portent of death looming like a spectre,
> --The black wind howls--
> superimposed over the nightmarish being that fills my vision.
> --with that battered body of yours?--
> This is really the end. My body hurts. The pain...it's like Hell itself
> poured every molecule of its existence into me.
> --The black wind howls--
> Perhaps it did.
> --One among you--
> But I'm not ready yet. It's not time.
> --What do you expect to do--
> I have things to take care of first. I have to finish this. I have to
> --will shortly perish--
> save the world. Save my friends.
> --with that battered body of yours?--
> Marle...Lucca...everyone...
> --Crono...--
> I'm sorry. I thought I could save the world...but I couldn't even save my
> precious friends.
> --One among you--
> No. I refuse to allow you to die here.
> --What do you expect to do--
> There's not much strength left in me. I can barely hold my sword.
> --Crono!!--
> And this power...it's so far beyond anything I imagined...
> --The black wind howls--
> I can't stop. I can't let it end this way.
> --will shortly perish--
> If I can just buy time...just one more minute...
> --with that battered body of yours?--
> Everyone...please escape this place. Please...find somewhere in time, live
> out your lives in peace...
> --One among you--
> Don't die. Please. For me.
> --The black wind howls--
> Magus...I understand you now. I know what you were trying to do.
> --What do you expect to do--
> All that power...it was for this, wasn't it? But even you...
> --will shortly perish--
> There's nothing any of us can do, is there?
> --with that battered body of yours?--
> The future...it isn't going to change.
> --The black wind howls--
> Everyone...
> --Crono...!--
> I'm sorry...
> --Crono!!--
> I couldn't save you.
> --CRONO!!--
> It hurts...
> ||Chrono Trigger copyright Square Enix. Used without permission.||

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