On Sat, Aug 16, 2014 at 02:36:00PM +0100, Kieran Kunhya wrote:
> > do you think me, the rest of the FFmpeg and Libav developers sitting
> > together and people accusing each other of theft and lies. Would lead
> > to improved relations ?
> You perhaps fail to realise since you've never done it before that
> there's vastly less of these long, stupid historical tales when
> speaking in person. This is mainly because everyone has heard both
> sides of the story a trillion times and frankly would rather do
> something productive than hear another persons account of history.
> Look how many stories there are of FFmpeg and Libav people having
> friendly conversation at VDD in this thread alone. Have you ever done
> this before in the last 3 years? If you want to have this "shit
> happens, let's move" on discussion, do you seriously think it can be
> done online? Look at the monumental success of this thread...
> If you actually want to act like a real leader and even move in the
> right direction towards solving this issue the only way forward is for
> you to be at VDD, whether you find it an enjoyable experience or not.
> Do you think anyone likes sitting in a room with a lot of strong
> personalities and discussing difficult topics? No, but they are
> willing to come to the table unlike almost every attempt you make at
> "compromise" which basically involves saying "do things my way". The
> world doesn't work like that.
> Whether you like it or not these problems are social issues (cf VDD11)
> and they will require a social solution. You are the blocking factor
> and everyone knows it and we say it every VDD.

like i said, iam happy to resign, if that reunites the projects and
resolves the problems
how can my resignation not be enough, if as you say iam the blocking
factor ?


Michael     GnuPG fingerprint: 9FF2128B147EF6730BADF133611EC787040B0FAB

Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being
governed by those who are dumber. -- Plato 

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