W dniu wtorek, 21 października 2014 Carl Eugen Hoyos <ceho...@ag.or.at>

> Lukasz Marek <lukasz.m.luki2 <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > This commit allows to run programs linked
> > dynamically in build dir without installing.
> Sorry if I misunderstand:
> Doesn't this patch change the properties of the
> installed binaries?

if you run
configure --enable-rpath --disable-static --enable-shared
make install
then installed binaries of the fftolls will have more paths defined to look
libraries for.

but The goal is to allow to run fftool in build tree without installing.
it really simpliefies and speed up recompilation during development.

Now I'm not sure if other option should be added to enable it.
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