Clément Bœsch <u <at>> writes:

> - We should probably keep our bug tracker since it 
> reflects bugs on the FFmpeg code base. Processing 
> every bugs from the Libav tracker and importing 
> them might require some work, 

> but I think Carl has done most of that already.

I do not have access to all samples, so there may 
be a handful of bugzilla entries that are 
reproducible with FFmpeg but missing in trac.

> Lowest:
> - I think keeping the FFmpeg name is important

I also think that this is "important" and therefore 
not "lowest" priority.

I agree with what you have written at least to a 
large degree. The reason it feels difficult to be 
more specific for me is that most things sound 
quite hypothetical here.

Thank you for the effort, Carl Eugen
ffmpeg-devel mailing list

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