On date Saturday 2015-08-01 11:18:34 +0200, Clément Bœsch encoded:
> Hi folks,
> Since Michael decided to step down as a leader, the question of
> reunification with Libav came up once more naturally. Before negotiations
> start again, I think it's important if we can all individually start
> thinking about what are our conditions or expectations from a potential
> reunification, and what we are willing to concede in the process.
> The purpose of the operation is to start a debate with a very good
> overview for everyone about what is still going wrong and what are the
> priorities in solving the matter. The Libav project has been encouraged to
> do the same by Jean-Baptiste Kempf and myself, and at least some of the
> developers seem to be willing to play the game.
> The VDD are coming soon¹, and while I personally hate these real life
> meetings more than probably most of the people here on this mailing list,
> I think with recent the events (Michael leadership, but also stuff like
> FFmpeg being back as default in all the distributions) and the help of
> this "mental preparation" (or whatever you want to call it), we finally
> have a great opportunity to put an end to this extremely toxic environment
> for our common users and developers from both projects. So I'd call for
> everyone to come, even though I have many doubts about this.
> In order to illustrate what I'm selfishly expecting from this operation,
> I'll start here with my own list. Keep in mind that it's not so much for
> discussing it right now, and certain points are meant to be very personal
> and in disagreement with probably a number of current FFmpeg developers.
> We are just setting up pieces on the board for a future discussion.
> Anyway, this is a call for other FFmpeg developers, please share your own
> feelings about this.

I agree with keeping the FFmpeg codebase as the master of the new
reunified project (which I think is the only really viable solution
and the only strong condition "FFmpeg" should set).

Keeping also the name "FFmpeg" would be a good point since it will
reinforce the old and renokwn brand.

Commit policies and decision process can be discussed, and the FFmpeg
maintership model can be amended in order to accomodate the needs of
developers coming from Libav if they want to come back. I don't think
there is a real need for a freeze at this point.

BTW I'm going to summon an IRC meeting this Saturday, so these things
can be discussed online before the real-life meeting at VDD.
FFmpeg = Fanciful and Foolish Meaningful Practical Earthshaking God
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