On 5/9/16, Derek Buitenhuis <derek.buitenh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 5/9/2016 1:52 PM, Carl Eugen Hoyos wrote:
>> So can you answer why the codec aspect ratio is provided but
>> other information is not?
> Most because e.g. some *conatiners* need this info. No containers, to my
> knowledge, need this 'lossless' info.
>> Do you agree that the answer is that decoders need this
>> information?
> The decoders definitely *do not* need this lossless info. It's workaround
> for a purely cosmetic problem with assumptions a CLI tool used to make.
> IMO the correct 'fix' is to add it back to st->codec like others suggested,
> for the time being.

Isn't st->codec deprecated?
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