On 9/23/2017 5:22 PM, Michael Niedermayer wrote:
On Thu, Sep 14, 2017 at 08:39:19PM -0500, Brian Matherly wrote:
Correctly set frame.interlaced and frame.top_field_first when pic_struct
indicates paired fields.
Do you have a (small) sample that gets fixed by this ?

Can you make a fate test for this case ?


Thanks Michael,

I submitted a V2 patch (sorry about the double e-mail). V2 includes a fate test which uses probeframes. The reason I test probeframes is because the pixel data in the frame is exactly the same with/wo the patch - and the important part of the test is the value of the interlaced_frame and repeat_first_field fields.

The sample file is uploaded to the videolan uploader: paired_fields.hevc
It should be placed in: fate-suite/hevc/paired_fields.hevc



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