2018.04.06. 0:39 keltezéssel, Michael Niedermayer írta:
On Fri, Mar 30, 2018 at 02:47:25PM +0200, Bodecs Bela wrote:
Hi All,

regularly, on different forums and mailing lists a requirement popups for a
feature to automatically failover switching between main input and a
secondary input in case of main input unavailability.

The base motivation: let's say you have a unreliable live stream source and
want to transcode its video and audio streams in realtime but you
want to survive the ocasions when the source is unavailable. So use a
secondary live source but the transition should occur seamlessly without
breaking/re-starting the transcoding processs.

Some days ago there was a discussion on devel-irc about this topic and we
concluded that this feature is not feasible inside ffmpeg without "hacking",
but a separate client app could do this.

So I created this example app to handle two separate input sources and
switching realtime between them. I am not sure wheter it should be inside
the tools subdir.

The detailed description is available in the header section of the source

I will appretiate your suggestions about it.

Thank you in advance.


Bela Bodecs

  configure                        |    2
  doc/examples/Makefile            |    1
  doc/examples/Makefile.example    |    1
  doc/examples/alternative_input.c | 1233 
You may want to add yourself to MAINTAINERS, so it is not unmaintained
I think this is complex enough that it needs a maintainer

May I take your response as you agree to inlcude this as an example app?


+static int open_single_input(int input_index)
+    int ret, i;
+    AVInputFormat *input_format = NULL;
+    AVDictionary * input_options = NULL;
+    AVFormatContext * input_fmt_ctx = NULL;
+    if (app_ctx.input_format_names[input_index]) {
+        if (!(input_format = 
av_find_input_format(app_ctx.input_format_names[input_index]))) {
+            timed_log(AV_LOG_ERROR, "Input #%d Unknown input format: '%s'\n", 
+                      app_ctx.input_format_names[input_index]);
+            return EINVAL;
+        }
+    }
+    av_dict_set(&input_options, "rw_timeout", "2000000", 0);
+    av_dict_set(&input_options, "timeout", "2000", 0);
+    if ((app_ctx.input_fmt_ctx[input_index] = avformat_alloc_context()) < 0)
+            return AVERROR(ENOMEM);
i guess this was intended to be "!= NULL"
yes, I will fix it

also you are mixing EINVAL with AVERROR(ENOMEM) these arent compatible.
Either all should be AVERROR or none
ok, should I will modify EIVAL all of them to AVERROR(EINVAL)?



ffmpeg-devel mailing list
thank you,


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