Am 19.04.2022 um 03:34 schrieb Roger:
I'm not finding much about fixing video having incorrect white space, more
specifically video with incorrect or forgotten fluorescent white balance
setting during recording.

I have a very old VHS recorded tape without a fluorescent white balance
applied, and as such a green mask throughout the video.

I started examing one frame of the video, luckily having distinct red, white,
blue colors and was viewing the frame within RawTherapee and tinkering with
white balance settings.  Low and behold, after applying the "Philips TL85
fluorescent" (designated as "F10 - Philips TL85") white balance preset profile,
the red/green/blue values all appeared exact!

However, I cannot find this preset profile within RawTherapee installed files,
nor do the *.pp3 sidecar files indicate specific values, hinting the values are
either hard-coded or further buried within the installed system files, for
which fgrep insensitive searching still fails to find the specifics of this

Question, what is the proper method of applying such a missing white balance
fluorescent filter to a video file using ffmpeg?

I would do that with a color-look-up-table. The procedure is described step-by-step in chapter 2.27 and an easier simplified version is described in chapter 2.28 in my book:


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