Am 19.04.2022 um 20:44 schrieb Jim DeLaHunt:

On 2022-04-19 11:38, Paul B Mahol wrote:
On Tue, Apr 19, 2022 at 8:25 PM Michael Koch<>
I would do that with a color-look-up-table. The procedure is described
step-by-step in chapter 2.27 and an easier simplified version is
described in chapter 2.28 in my book:

Your book multiple times calls multiple functionality in FFmpeg stupid.


You say that as if it were a bad thing.

I have not read Micheal's FFmpeg Book, so I don't know what you are referring to. But I would like to know. Would you care to cite the specific places where the book calls FFmpeg stupid?

Having not read the passages, I cannot be sure. But my initial impression is that this might be accurate description. Not that the FFmpeg tool is stupid overall — it is quite capable and useful in many ways. But there are aspects of the tool, and its documentation, and its contributors' behaviour, and the project culture, which are indeed quite stupid. This is useful for users new to FFmpeg to know. If the book describes these aspects accurately as stupid, that makes it a better book.


if you search in the book for the word "stupid" you will find two instances, which both refer to the same thing.


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