Am 25.10.2022 um 09:29 schrieb Naveen.B:

What do you want to do with the RAW video? You know that you can't play
it with most players?

Yes, I know it cannot be played with most of th players, I need to see the
size of the RAW video and make some compression on it for our further
     Could you please help me on the missing parameters to generate the RAW

I did some tests and came to the conclusion that it's impossible to import a group of numbered raw images.
It's possible to import a single raw image.
It's possible to import a group of numbered images (JPG, PNG, TIF...)
But it's not possible to import a numbered group of raw images.
(To the experts: Please correct me if I'm wrong).

Anyway it's a bad idea to save the images in raw format. You should use PNG images, which have a lossless compression, and 16-bit depth is possible. I recommend that you convert your images to PNG, and then things become much easier.

Here is a (Windows) batch file with a few examples:

rem  Make 30 PNG images (48-bit per pixel):
ffmpeg -f lavfi -i testsrc2=s=320x200,format=rgb48 -frames 30 -f image2 -y image-%%03d.png

rem  Convert these 30 images to a raw video (this conversion is lossless):
ffmpeg -i image-%%03d.png -s 320x200 -pixel_format rgb48 -f rawvideo -c:v rawvideo -y video.raw

rem  The size of the raw video is exactly 320 * 200 * 2 * 3 * 30 = 11520000 Bytes

rem  Convert the first frame from the raw video to a PNG image (48-bit per pixel): ffmpeg -video_size 320x200 -pixel_format rgb48 -f rawvideo -i video.raw -frames 1 -y image.png

rem  Convert the raw video to a (almost lossless) MP4 video:
ffmpeg -video_size 320x200 -pixel_format rgb48 -f rawvideo -framerate 30 -i video.raw -crf 0 -y video.mp4


I have a question to the experts. The above example works fine with pixel format rgb48, but with pixel formats gray16 or gray10le the MP4 output looks wrong. I don't yet understand why.


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