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*I believe in God as being creator of all and pray he continues to Bless
America, our Troops & Our Allies**
*To continue being one nation under God and to keep our freedom, continue
reminding your local and Federal representatives. especially the newly

  Washington Weekly Review

   Washington Weekly Review

*Friday, January 7, 2011
**Roberta Combs, President*
*Federal Court Rules Cross

Here we go again.

The radically liberal 9th Circuit Federal Court of Appeals has overturned a
lower court and found that a San Diego war memorial, shaped in the form of a
cross, is unconstitutional, simply because it is on public land...which
would constitute a government endorsement of religion.

Really?  Just curious, but does anyone really believe our government
"endorses" religion?  How could a government that sanctions the killing of a
million or so unborn babies every year be said to "endorse" religion...? (*READ
MORE* <http://www.cc.org/blog/federal_court_rules_cross_unconstitutional>)


*Christian Coalition of America Gains End-of-Year

Pro-family and conservative organizations around America are touting their
roles in gaining a 2-year extension of President George W. Bush's 2001 and
2003 tax cuts, which provide great benefits for American families.  The tax
cut extensions were passed during the infamous "lame-duck" session of the
expiring Democrat-controlled 111th Congress

Christian Coalition of America is also touting late-year pre-Christmas
victories in the field of communications including a "net neutrality"
victory and a victory for low-power community radio stations across the
country which will allow churches and synagogues and other small religious
entities to be heard.

There were a number of conservative groups supporting net neutrality  --  a
policy to ensure grassroots groups would not be discriminated against on the
Internet by the gigantic communication corporation duopoly --  but Christian
Coalition of America took the lead... (*READ


*Take Our Latest Survey: 2011 Conservative

We're surveying hundreds of thousands of grassroots conservatives all across
the country to get their opinion on what should be included in the 2011
Conservative Agenda for Congress.

Your opinion counts!

Make sure that your voice heard by choosing the issues that you feel are
most important and offer any comments that you would like to include.

We will be forwarding the results to members of Congress in the coming
weeks... (*READ MORE* <http://www.cc.org/webform/2011_conservative_agenda>)

*School Sends Parents Permission Slips for Reciting the Pledge of Allegiance

>From the "yes, really" category, we have the recent decision by a public
school principal in Brookline, Massachusetts to send parents a form asking
them to indicate whether or not their child should participate in reciting
the Pledge of Allegiance, (which teachers are required to lead, according to
state law).

The form tells parents to check either: "Yes, my child will participate in
the weekly Pledge of Allegiance", or "No, my child will not participate in
the weekly Pledge of Allegiance."  The letter goes on to urge parents to
"have a conversation as a family to help your children understand why I will
be reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and to support them in feeling
comfortable and confident in the decision on whether or not to participate."

So what does this tell us...?  (*READ

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help build our organization, promote our campaigns, and spread the word to
others.  Your participation makes a difference!
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It's a great way to stay informed and help spread the word to others that
you know.  Connect with us today!

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