What information are you trying to get out of each scan?  You will always have 
a time-of-use vs. time-of-check race condition here .. the filesystem is in a 
perennial state of flux. 


> On 22 Mar 2018, at 12:53 PM, Irad K <iradizat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi and thanks for the invaluable responses. 
> I understood that since I cannot limit the file id range, and that the 
> allocated fileid keeps ascending, it would be better using hash-map. 
> However, My requirements are to be able to scan the volume with reentrancy. 
> This means that if the machine will undergo reboot during the scan, I'd be 
> able to start from this point, by keeping some sort of pivot so I can regain 
> scanning from the point it stopped. 
> If I'll scan the files in ascending fileid order, I can simply keep the last 
> scanned fileid, and upon restart, I can start from this point (since no files 
> added with fileid before that value)... this is one option, it can also be 
> creation date, or any other order which allows me to differentiate between 
> the scanned and unscanned files. 
> Scanning according to directory hierarchy is one example which doesn't 
> satisfy this requirement, since there might be new files creation during the 
> scan, in folders that I already covered. 
> So far I hadn't had much lack in scanning by this order, sparse filesystem 
> makes the /.vol/<fsid>/<fileid> option inefficient.
> As for the searchfs option, I haven't seen in the man page any way to control 
> the order of the files. 
> Perhaps you can suggest me a proper use of searchfs, or any other efficient 
> way to do this ? 
> Thanks A lot, 
> Irad K
> On Thu, Mar 22, 2018 at 7:08 PM, Kevin Elliott <kelli...@mac.com> wrote:
> > On Mar 21, 2018, at 1:38 PM, Irad K <iradizat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Eric,
> >
> > Thanks for the info, that can explain the offset since I previously 
> > upgraded the OS from Sierra which uses HFS+ for its root filesystem.
> >
> > The reason that brought me looking into the fileid values, is some file 
> > scanner design I'm currently working on that instead of iterating the files 
> > according to their directory structure (i.e. BFS), I iterate according to 
> > ascending file-id attribute, where I always assumed that the file-id starts 
> > from zero.
> >
> > Using this scanning order, I can halt my scanning and regain to it 
> > according to the last scanned file-id (assuming that I can ignore newly 
> > created files that got file-id value lower than this last scanned value).
> >
> > I'd be happy if you could tell me what is the file-id allocation policy in 
> > APFS or HFS+ in the following aspects
> >
> > 1. Is there any way to extract the current file-id range (minimum to 
> > maximum fileid).
> No, and it’s unlikely that there will ever be one.  Functionally, the most 
> useful way to think about file ID’s is a UUID’s .  Their value implies gives 
> you NO useful information about the file, aside from the fact that it’s a 
> unique ID for the file.
> > 2. I've noticed that there are some gaps in file-id list. meaning that some 
> > ids aren't connected to files. How can this happen (I assume it’s due to 
> > deleted files), and when creating new file, does it get file-id from the 
> > lowest available value or the next file-id after the current maximum value.
> FIle deletion, arbitrary action, dumb luck…  Again, the file ID is 
> effectively a unique identifier for the file.  The fact that APFS HAPPENS to 
> hand them out in a particular order is an artifact of it’s implementation, 
> not a requirement.
> > 3. I’d like to use an array that each index represent a file-id.
> Why?  I can’t think of any real use for doing this.  Thomas’s idea of using a 
> dictionary isn’t a bad one if this is a problem you really need to solve, but 
> this seems like a very strange problem to decide you need to solve.
> > Can I assume that the file-ids aren’t sparse (meaning that the gaps of 
> > unused id values are small) so that I won't waste too much memory ?
> No, not at all.  Over time it would be normal and expected for the list to 
> become quite sparse-  some files are written out early in the drives life and 
> basically never change.  Just looking in my /Applications directory, the 
> Info.plist of the oldest app on my system was last modified on “July 17, 
> 2006”.  A lot of files have come and gone since 2006…
> > 4. Do you recommend other, more efficient way to iterate through the files 
> > in order to ascending file-id, other than through the /.vol/ drive ?
> Well, I’m not sure I’d recommend using .vol either…
> What are you trying to do, and why does iterating by file ID seem like a good 
> way to do it?
> -Kevin
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