----- Original Message -----
From: Tony Sleep <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, January 21, 2001 12:25 PM
Subject: Re: filmscanners: SS4000 and LS-2000 real value?

> I consider the 2700ppi market a different one to the 4000ppi. The majority
of users
> won't need the higher res (at A4 or so there is little difference), and
the costs of
> a competent PC to handle the higher res scans (twice the size) are a
deterrent. So
> if the LS2000 already does what you want, why change it?

I agree. Most people don't need 4000dpi.  There seems to be very little
difference between 2700dpi and 4000dpi for 8"x10" printing.  Although there
is some difference and some people on this list would insist it is a notable
difference.  But I want to sell large prints for corporate and home display
puposes.  I think they call it art.  : )
I see no reason why only the painters get to frame their artwork in 24"x36"
frames.  I'd like to see how close I can get with 35mm film.  For that I
need all the reolution the film will yield.  If 2700dpi with interpolation
is almost as good as 4000dpi, then how good is 4000dpi with interpolation?
I'd like to find out.

As for the cost of more computing power, you're right again.  No reason to
run out and plop down money just to make good 8x10's,  but I want to see how
large I can print without using my view camera.  So I'm the exception.  I'll
spend a few thousand bucks to see what it will do for me.

Bob Kehl

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